Publications by Daniel Neves Silva

April 21 — Tiradentes Day

Tiradentes Day, celebrated on April 21, is a holiday...

August 22 - Folklore Day

Folklore Day, celebrated on August 22, was created with the...

January 9th – Stay Day

Dia do Fico, on January 9, is marked in Brazilian history...

Alexander, the Great

Alexander III, known as Alexander the Great, son of...


Apollo, god of the sun, music, arts, prophecy, etc., was...

Art in Prehistory

Art in Prehistory was produced mainly during...

Barbarians (Germanic peoples)

Barbarians, in the view of Greeks and Romans, were all those who...

Battle of Berlin and the Fall of Nazism

During the Battle of Berlin, the attack of 2.5 million...

ballot box

A ballot box, according to Brazilian law, is an attempt to...


Cannibalism is understood, from a biological point of view, as...


Cleopatra, queen of Egypt for over 20 years, was one of the...

Berlin conference

The Berlin Conference, held between 1884 and 1885, brought together 14...

Munich conference

The Munich Conference, held in September 1938,...

Conquest of the Aztecs

In this class, we will cover the military expedition, organized by...

Constitution of 1824

Constitution of 1824, the first Constitution of Brazil, was...

Crisis of 1929

The Crash of 1929, or the Great Depression, was the collapse of...

Red Cross

Red Cross was founded in 1863 on the initiative of a...


Cuca, a legend present in Brazilian folklore, is known...

Ten Plagues of Egypt

The ten plagues of Egypt, according to the biblical narrative, were...

D-Day: The Allied Landings in Normandy

In 1944, the Allied landings in Normandy, too...

Difference between null vote and blank vote

The difference, according to the understanding of Brazilian legislation,...


Dionysus was the Greek god of wine, parties, joy and...

Ancient Egypt / Part 1

In this class, you will learn about the formation of Ancient Egypt,...

Ancient Egypt: Political and Social Aspects / Part 2

In this class, we will cover some aspects of Ancient Egypt, such as...

Einsatzgruppen: the Nazi death squads

The action of the Einsatzgruppen, the Nazi death squads,...

Indirect elections in Brazil

During the course of the history of Brazil, they were elected, at the...

Vargas Era: Provisional Government

In this class, we will begin the study of the Vargas Era (1930-1945), a...

watergate scandal

The Watergate Scandal broke out in the United States in 1972...


The Gestapo, the secret police of Nazi Germany, was used...

Civil War in Syria

In this class, we will discuss one of the biggest conflicts of today,...

Civil War

The Civil War, or American Civil War, was a...

War of the Rags

War of the Farrapos was motivated mainly by...


Hestia was the Greek goddess of the hearth, the hearth, domestic life...

Story #5: Fascism and Anti-Fascism

In this episode, we're going to talk a little bit about Fascism, how...

history of china

China, one of the most important nations in the world today, has...

history of jerusalem

Jerusalem, one of the most important cities in the world, is...

Japan after World War II

Japan, after surrender, was occupied by the United States and...

Juscelino Kubitschek

Juscelino Kubitschek, also known as JK, was a...

Sexagenarian Law

The Sexagenarian Law of 1885 was one of the abolitionist laws...

Eusébio de Queirós Law

The Eusébio de Queirós Law, passed in 1850, determined the...


Mohammed, also known as Muhammad, was the prophet who...

Mesopotamia / Part 1

In this class, you will learn more about Mesopotamia, place...


Christmas, held on the 25th of December, is one of...

Operation Barbarossa

In this class, you will learn about Operation Barbarossa, which...

Operation Barbarossa: Invasion of the Soviet Union

Operation Barbarossa, which mobilized 3.6 million troops...


Oscar, created in 1927, is the main ceremony that awards...


The Jewish Passover, known by the Jews as Pesach,...

viking religion

The Viking peoples had several gods, such as Odin and Thor, the...

Old Republic

Old Republic, also known as First Republic,...

Vaccine Revolt: what it was, summary, causes, consequences

The Vaccine Revolt took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1904, and...

Cuban Revolution

The Cuban Revolution, completed in 1959, was a process...

French Revolution / Part 1

In this video lesson, we will approach the French Revolution, process...

World War II (Part 4): Conflict in Asia

In this class, we will cover the Asian war scenario,...

Second Sino-Japanese War

In this class, we will talk about the Second Sino-Japanese War,...

Second Reign: Policy and Coffee Expansion

In this class, we will talk about the Second Reign, which began in...

Unit 731

Unit 731, led by General Shiro Ishii, was created...

Ustasha and the puppet state of Croatia

Croatia, during World War II, formed a state...

Simple reason can explain the absence of life on Mars

Some mysterious signs were discovered by researchers in Chile when they tested the mineralogy of ...

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What to do to solve authority problems with teenagers?

According to the Children and Adolescents Institute (ECA), the adolescence It is a period that be...

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Aalyria: Google's SECRET project is already making waves

Inside Google, a team of engineers is working on the software foundations for high-speed communic...

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