Malaysia landslide: why do they happen?

Earlier this Friday, December 16th, a landslide left dead and wounded in a camp in Malaysia.

According to local authorities, the landslide affected 92 people. Among them, 50 people were rescued, 22 are missing, twelve people died and eight were injured.

Also according to the authorities, the landslide occurred while the victims were sleeping in the camp. A child is among the dead.

The landslide occurred in the state of Selangor, on the outskirts of the capital Kuala Lumpur, on the slope of a farm where there were camping facilities.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

Read too: Landslide: causes, types, how to avoid

Why do landslides happen?

Landslides are a type of mass movement and are characterized by the sliding of stretches of ground, chunks of rock and other debris along a ridge, hill or mountain slope.

The motives are natural, like strong rains and characteristics of the soil and relief. In addition, the logging of slopes and buildings in irregular areas can also favor the occurrence of landslides.

In countries where the occurrence of earthquakes often, earthquakes can also cause landslides.

In Brazil, for example, landslides happen across the country and are more common during the summer months due to rain. Check out our video lesson on landslides in Brazil:

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