Edict of Encceja PPL 2023: see!

O notice of Encceja PPL 2023 was published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) this Tuesday (13).

Announcement Encceja PPL 2023

Encceja is the National Examination for Certification of Youth and Adult Skills. The assessment is made for people who did not complete primary and secondary education at a regular age.

A PPL edition is an applied modality for persons deprived of liberty (PPL) and young people under socio-educational measures.

Read too: What is Encceja and how does it work?

Adherence to Encceja PPL 2023

To participate in Encceja PPL 2023, Prison Administration/Socio-Educational Bodies of the Brazilian states need to formalize the adhesion between July 17th and August 4th.

The procedure is done by email address [email protected], with the subject of the message "Adhesion Encceja Nacional PPL 2023".

Further guidance on sending this letter is available at item 5 of the announcement.

Encceja Dates PPL 2023

  • Period of adherence by prison and socio-educational units: 07/17 to 08/04

  • Registrations: 07/24 to 08/04

  • Request for specialized care and treatment by social name: 07/24 to 08/04

  • Result | Specialized service and treatment by social name: 07/08

  • Resource | Specialized service and treatment by social name: 07 to 11/08

  • Resource Result | Specialized service and treatment by social name: 18/08

  • Proof: 10/17 and 18

  • Templates: 03/11

  • Test result: 22/11

Who can participate in Encceja PPL 2023

Encceja PPL 2023 can participate in candidates who are in a situation of deprivation of liberty or under socio-educational measure and who fit the iminimum age Required by level of education:

  • Elementary School: Brazilians with 15 years or more on test day.

  • High school: Brazilians with 18 years or more on test day.

See too: Step by step to enroll in Encceja

Encceja PPL 2023 exams

Encceja PPL 2023 exams will be applied on the 17th and 18th of October, four hours in the morning and five hours in the afternoon.

The assessments applied on the 17th refer to elementary school candidates, while on the 18th they are intended for secondary education.

The assessment is based on the Reference Matrices available on the Inep portal. Encceja contains four objective tests, based on the level of education (elementary and secondary). Each test consists of 30 objective questions..

Know more: What to study for the Encceja test?

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

When does the Encceja PPL 2023 result come out?

The result of Encceja PPL 2023 will be informed on the day November 22.

Candidates can access performance in the exam system. To be approved in Encceja is required:

  • take at least 100 points on objective tests;

  • get at least 5 points on essay average (The textual production score ranges from 0 to 10).

The calculation of the objective tests is done according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), the same methodology used in the National High School Examination (Enem).

Encceja PPL 2023 Certificate

O Encceja 2023 certificatemust be requested at the state departments of education or at the federal instituteswho adhered to the exam through a pedagogical responsible.

Participants can check the complete list of these places in Encceja's registration system.

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