ChatGPT in education: impacts, advantages and disadvantages

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ChatGPT. This is the name of the technological advance in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that has gained space in the media and social debates in recent months.

ChatGPT consists of a chatbot, a pre-trained algorithm that is able to interpret, summarize and generate new content from a database, explains Idelfranio Moreira, manager of Teaching and Educational Innovations at Plataforma de Educação SAS.

The differential of the technology is that it is possible extract information from it from a natural language, as in a conversation between human beings. ChatGPT can do several tasks, such as:

  • Edit custom texts;

  • Develop lines of programming codes;

  • Natural conversation with users;

  • Response to different types of questions and curiosities;

  • Translation of texts from different languages;

  • Miscellaneous advice and tips;

  • Organization of travel, work and planning in general.

One of the big questions that arise with the popularization of ChatGPT is: What are the impacts of technology on education? To explain aspects of the tool in the educational field, Brasil Escola talked to Idelfranio Moreira.

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ChatGPT in education: impacts

"ChatGPT will not be able to replace the teacher", highlights Idelfranio. He explains that because it is an algorithm, based on a set of instructions, steps to perform certain tasks, ChatGPT is not able to to carry out other activities carried out by educators such as developing creativity, socio-emotional learning, mediating conflicts, among others. others.

ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model.
Credit: Shutterstock.

The debate involves the development of digital culture. In this discussion is the need of the labor market in the face of new technologies, the reality of professions in the 20th century and the relationship of these advances with the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC).

With this, Idelfranio understands that schools need to teach students how to use ChatGPT properly, ethically. In this movement, it is important to establish a critical and analytical look at this reality.

"Teachers have an opportunity to develop in students the ability to find solutions based on investigative questions that stimulate critical thinking", he says.

According to Idelfranio, the alternatives taken by schools have been varied, while some prohibit the use of the tool, others have trained their teachers on ChatGPT.

"Currently, we are in a moment of transition and impasse, given the natural uncertainties and lack of knowledge of any innovation, even more so, as disruptive as this one".

Idelfranio Moreira

The educator also punctuates the debate on the manipulation of data from AI platforms, in addition to ChatGPT. The discussion involves questions about copyright of contents, as well as disinformation and the spread of fake news.

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ChatGPT in education: teaching and learning

Professor Idelfranio defends the use of ChatGPT from the perspective of active learning. In this model, students become protagonists in the construction of their knowledge.

With the tool, students will have the opportunity to carry out activities with greater cognitive demand, such as "improving solutions and create answers to complex problems", since the tool is based on a conversation with language Natural.

"Having AI as tools for using active methodologies can be very effective in planning relevant and efficient pedagogical practices. Finally, this is very much in line with the challenging world we have today where new professions have emerged very quickly, while others, more classic, have been impacted by the new technologies."

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ChatGPT in education: advantages and disadvantages

Like any tool, ChatGPT has its advantages and disadvantages, points out Idelfranio Moreira.

Advantages of ChatGPT in education

  • Contributes to problem solving, encouraging students to think critically and creatively;

  • Support for teachers, helping with day-to-day tasks, such as generating questionnaires and lists of questions.

These questions can help educators in time saving, directing the workload towards the construction of a quality education, analyzing the data generated from the performance of tasks, exemplifies.

Idelfranio Moreira, white man who is smiling
Idelfranio Moreira, Teaching and Educational Innovations Manager at the SAS Education Platform and professor of Physics.
Credit: Disclosure.

It is important to highlight that ChatGPT, despite providing answers and feedback to several questions, lacks an essential element for the consolidation of education.

"A chatbot cannot replace the benefits of having a teacher who can provide support and guidance for students' socio-emotional learning. ChatGPT is designed to provide responses based on pre-programmed algorithms, and as much as it may answering questions, cannot provide the same level of creativity or assertiveness that a human teacher can to offer. It lacks cognitive flexibility!"

One disadvantage of ChatGPT in education it is related to the question of dependence that some students have on technology. In these cases, students "may lose the ability to think critically or solve problems on their own, using the platform to carry out their activities", explains Idelfranio.

The educator alerts to the importance of teachers' participation in guiding the ethical use of the tool.

It is necessary to take into account aspects such as the data privacy, as ChatGPT may collect data from interactions with students and it may be misused.

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ChatGPT in education: challenges

One cause for concern mentioned by Idelfranio regarding ChatGPT is that the creators of the technology have not disclosed the parameters of the tool. This is due to biases that may be present in the programming code of their algorithms, he explains.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) presented a framework for working with AI centered on the human being with the objective of reinforcing that the platforms are not used for discrimination or misinformation.

"In our country, where there is great effort for a culture that values ​​study and learning, where there are great ethical questions always in agenda, directing a tool of this type to uses that favor learning and not as an escape from carrying out tasks, is a great challenge."

Image credit:

[1] real_life_photo | Shutterstock

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