Absence at Encceja 2022: last day of justification

Ends today, April 14, the justification for absence at Encceja 2022. The step is performed in Encceja system.

Students who signed up for the previous edition of the exam and did not attend will have to justify their absence.

Those who do not carry out the procedure or whose justification is rejected must reimburse the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) the amount of R$40.

Check out: All about Encceja - know what the exam is and how it works

How to justify absence in Encceja 2022

The application must contain supporting documents (dated and signed), in accordance with the requirements set out in the notice of Encceja 2023.

The preliminary result of the documentation analysis will be released on April 24th.

Appeals can be submitted between the 24th and 28th of the same month. The final list of these requests will be informed by Inep on May 2nd.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

Encceja 2023

Encceja 2023 will receive registrations free of charge between May 22nd and June 2nd via the Internet in the Encceja system.

The assessment must be applied on August 27th for candidates who will take the regular version of the exam.

The result should be released on December 22nd.

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