Obmep: what it is, what it is for, phases and awards

Obmep is the Brazilian Public School Mathematics Olympiad. The evaluation has the objective of encouraging the study of Mathematics among students of elementary and high school levels. Participants who stand out in the Obmep tests are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals (national and regional) and honorable mentions.

Teachers also receive awards. In addition, public universities offer vacancies in graduation courses for medalist participants from Obmep and from other science olympics.

Read too: 10 higher education options for those who like Mathematics

Topics of this article

  • 1 - Summary about Obmep
  • 2 - What is Obmep and what is it for?
  • 3 - How do Obmep exams work?
    • → Obmep Levels
    • → Phases of the Obmep test
    • → Obmep test results
  • 4 - How do I enroll in Obmep?
  • 5 - How to study for the Obmep test?
  • 6 - What are Obmep's awards?
    • → National award
    • → Regional award
  • 7 - Those who took the Obmep can participate in the Junior Scientific Initiation Program. (PIC)?
  • 8 - Is it possible to enroll in higher education courses through Obmep?
  • 9 - 2022 Edition of Obmep

Summary about Obmep

  • Obmep is the acronym for the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad for Public Schools, an assessment that covers different Mathematics contents.

  • It is a national project that involves both public and private school students.

  • The tests are carried out in two phases and are divided into three levels of education: levels 1 and 2 for elementary school and level 3 for high school.

  • Students with the best results receive awards such as medals, honorable mentions and opportunities to enter scientific initiation programs and courses in higher education.

What is Obmep and what is it for?

Obmep, Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad for Public Schools, is a national project carried out in public and private schools from Brazil. Obmep's tests cover Mathematics contents and are applied to elementary and high school students.

The realization of Obmep is the responsibility of the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Impa), with the support of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics (SBM), and aims to encourage Brazilian students to be interested inThe Mathematics.

Obmep is an initiative that provides some advantages to students who stand out in the tests. Among them are the participation in scientific production projects and admission to higher education institutions through specific selection processes for exam winners.

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How do Obmep exams work?

The Obmep tests are divided by level of education and take place in two stages, as we will see below:

Obmep Levels

  • Level 1: 6th and 7th grade students.

  • Level 2: 8th and 9th grade students.

  • Level 3: high school students.

Stages of the Obmep test

The Obmep tests are divided into two phases. At 1st stage, students respond to a objective test consisting of 20 questions which are differentiated according to level. already the 2nd phase is composed of a speech test with 6 questions, also according to the level.

1st stage exams

2nd stage exams


In all registered schools

Testing Centers


all subscribers

Classified students (approximately 5%)

proof correction

Teachers from the schools

Regional correction: team of teachers defined by Obmep

National correction: appeal of tests for the award

Obmep exam results

The result of the Obmep exams is released according to the calendar defined for each edition of the exam.

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How is registration done at Obmep?

The registrations of Obmep are made by public and private schools interested in participating in the evaluation. Each school that will register for the exam must indicate the total number of students that will be registered per level.

The procedure is done over the internet according to the previously announced schedule. For public schools, enrollment is free.. As for private schools, the amount to be paid depends on the number of enrollments in accordance with Obmep regulations.

How to study for the Obmep test?

Students can study for Obmep based on previous assessment evidence. With this, they will become familiar with the test model and will be able to test their knowledge of the charged content.

Boy doing math calculations on a whiteboard.
Obmep's tests cover different Mathematics contents.

What are Obmep's awards?

Obmep awards are distributed according to national and regional awards.

national award

  • 500 students from public schools and 75 students from private schools with gold medals;

  • 1500 students from public schools and 225 students from private schools with silver medals;

  • 4500 students from public schools and 675 students from private schools with bronze medals;

  • up to 46,200 students from public schools and 5700 students from private schools with honorable mention certificates.

regional award

The amount of gold, silver and bronze medals depends on the Brazilian state and is indicated in the regulation of each edition.

Those who took Obmep can participate in the Junior Scientific Initiation Program. (PIC)?

You participants awarded nto obmep can participate in the Junior Scientific Initiation Program. (PIC). The PIC is a way of inserting young students into the process of developing scientific research. The objectives of the program are:

  • awaken interest in mathematics and science;

  • deepen the mathematical knowledge of the participants;

  • to stimulate closer relations between schools and universities;

  • encourage the mathematical improvement of teachers;

  • contribute to the process of professional career choice.

The PIC is conducted by teachers from across the country. Students can participate in the program both as volunteers and as fellows. Scholarships are provided by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Being a CNPq scholarship holder allows students to enhance their curriculum, contributing to the development of their career and future opportunities.

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Is it possible to enroll in higher education courses through Obmep?

Some public universities carry out selection processes for specific graduation courses for scientific knowledge olympic medalist students such as Obmep. In this sense, if you do well at Obmep can guarantee the student a place in public higher education.

2022 Edition of Obmep

See some information about 17th edition of Obmep, held in 2022:

  • 54,488 participating schools in the 1st phase, with 49,452 public and 5036 private;

  • 18,159,636 students were enrolled in the 1st phase;

  • 99,78% of Brazilian municipalities participated in the 1st phase;

  • 55,983 students were awarded in 2022.

By Lucas Afonso
journalist andphysical education professional

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

AFONSO, Luke. "Obmep"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/obmep.htm. Accessed on April 14, 2023.

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