Planalto Palace: history, architecture and works of art

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O Planalto Palace is the seat of POder ANDexecutive, as it houses the official office of the president dThe republic from Brazil. The Planalto Palace is located in the Praça dos Três Poderes, in Brasília, in the Federal District (DF).

Considered the main symbol of the transfer of the federal capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia, in 1960, during the administration of President Juscelino Kubitschek, the building is also the most important in Brazil.

Read too: How many and which presidents has Brazil had?

History of the Planalto Palace

The history of the Planalto Palace is linked to the construction of the capital Brasília, which began to take effect in the mid-1950s. At the time, the seat of the Brazilian Executive Power was located in the Palácio do Catete, at the Rio de Janeiro. With the transfer to the new capital, it was necessary to build a new building to house the office of the president of the republic.

Oscar Niemeyer was the architect chosen to design the Planalto Palace, as well as other important works in the capital Brasília. Fausto Favale was the chief engineer. The structural calculation of the building was in charge of Joaquim Cardoso.

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The Planalto Palace was Opened on April 21, 1960. However, construction of the building began on July 10, 1958. While the Palace was not ready, the seat of the Executive was located in the Palácio do Catetinho, a wooden house located in Brasília.

the headquarters of Tcattle Poders of Brazil are located in the Planalto Palace, in the National Congress and in the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

Structure of the Planalto Palace

The Planalto Palace has 36 thousand square meters and has four floors or floors. See below for details of the structure of the building.

  • Planalto Palace ramp

Details of the ramp and reflecting pool of the Planalto Palace. [2]
Details of the ramp and reflecting pool of the Planalto Palace. [2]

A entrance to the palace is via a long ramp, which connects the building to the street. The architecture of the ramp was inspired by the staircase of the Palácio do Catete (now the Museum of the Republic) and medieval castles.

In everyday life, the president of Brazil does not enter the building through this ramp. He only visits the site on special occasions, such as, for example, when he receives visits from foreign leaders.

  • Parlatory of the Planalto Palace

The Parlatório do Palácio do Planalto, located to the right of the main entrance and overlooking Praça dos Três Poderes, is the where the president makes his speeches.

    • 1 ° floor: on the first floor of the Planalto Palace, there is a large hall with works of art where visitors are received. On this floor, you can still see photos of all the presidents of the Hhistory of Brazil since Proclamation of the Republic, in 1889.

    • 2nd floor: this floor comprises the meeting room and the press room. On this floor, there are also these three important rooms:

      • Salão Nobre: ​​place for ceremonies and important events, such as the inauguration of presidents.

      • West Hall: space where foreign leaders are received.

      • East Room: this is where important acts and decrees for Brazil are signed.

Still on the second floor of the Planalto Palace, there is the supreme meeting room. In this space, presidential, ministerial and governmental meetings are held.

Interior of the Planalto Palace. [3]
Interior of the Planalto Palace. [3]
    • 3rd floor: it is on the third floor of the Palácio do Planalto that the office of the president of the republic is located. In this place, the Chief Executive of Brazil carries out his daily activities and meetings. The Planalto Palace art gallery is also on the third floor.

    • 4th floor: on the fourth floor are the offices of the Civil House and the Institutional Security Office.

Architecture of the Planalto Palace

Architecture of the Planalto Palace.
The Planalto Palace was designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer. [4]

The Planalto Palace was designed by Oscar Niemeyer, the greatest architect in Brazil and responsible for several other important works in Brasília, including the other two buildings of the Três Poderes.

The architecture of the Planalto Palace has as its main characteristics the purity of the lines, with predominance of horizontal lines, and the mix between curves and straight lines, forming a plastic effect exquisite.

As Oscar Niemeyer has already said, one of the architectural highlights of the Planalto Palace is the beauty of the longitudinal columns, which “are as light as feathers landing on the ground”.

Juscelino Kubitschek, president of Brazil when the Palácio do Planalto was inaugurated, stated that “the Palácio do Planalto resembles a glass box, waiting for the orchids to be deposited inside”.

Other detail that draws attention in the architecture of the Planalto Palace is the reflecting pool, located in front and on the right side of the building. In the place, swim colorful carps of Japanese origin.

Research indicates that, in addition to adding beauty to the palace’s façade, the reflecting pool helps to maintain the building’s safety and control the humidity in the air.

Works of art at the Planalto Palace

“Os Orixás”, by Djanira da Motta e Silva. [5]
“Os Orixás”, by Djanira da Motta e Silva. [5]

The works of art that decorate the Palácio do Planalto are items that not only add beauty to the space, but also have relevant meanings. There are pictures, sculptures, tapestries, furniture, decorative items, among others.

Most of the works of art present in the palace fit into the artistic movements woncretist and neoconcretist. O building houses works by Brazilian and foreign artists.

Check below some highlights of the works of art at Palácio do Planalto.

→ Pictures from the Planalto Palace

  • The Mulattoes - Di Cavalcanti

  • Planalto Palace - Firmino Saldanha

  • Branches and Shadows - Frans Krajcberg

  • untitled work - Geraldo Barros

  • Machine -Frank Schaeffer

  • picking bananas - Djanira da Motta e Silva

  • Nordeste beach - Djanira da Motta e Silva

  • The Orixás - Djanira da Motta e Silva

  • Indigenous Scene - Giovanni Oppido

→ Sculptures of the Planalto Palace

  • The Pied Piper - Bruno Giorgi

  • Cube Circular Space -Franz Weissman

  • Evolutions - Harold Barroso

  • Bust of Tiradentes

Furnitureof the Planalto Palace

  • Armchair vronka

  • armchairs easy chair It is marquise - Oscar Niemeyer

  • Center table she - Sergio Rodrigues

  • upholstery beto - Sergio Rodrigues

  • sofa set navona - Sergio Rodrigues

→ Decoration of the Planalto Palace

  • Panel by Roberto Burle Marx

  • Tile panels by Athos Bulcão

  • 18th century Portuguese silverware from the Catete Palace

  • Tapestry by Norberto Nicola

  • Tapestry musicians - Di Cavalcanti

  • Companhia das Índias porcelain

  • Pieces by Zezinho de Tracunhaém

Visit to the Planalto Palace

A visit to the Planalto Palace in Brasilia is held on Sundays, from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. Generally, the visit lasts 1 hour.

Conducted by guides from the Public Relations Coordination, the visit must be scheduled through the Palácio do Planalto website.

image credits

[1] Alejandro Zambrana / Shutterstock

[2] Emerson Gomes / Shutterstock

[3] luiz_gustavo_photo / Shutterstock

[4] rafastockbr / Shutterstock

[5] Jose Cruz (Brazil Agency) / Wikimedia Commons

By Silvia Tancredi

Source: Brazil School -

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