This, that, these It is thosethey are demonstrative pronouns in english. This means that they refer to the location of what is being spoken about.
This It is that They are singular demonstrative pronouns. The first is equivalent to this/this/this, and the second to this/this/this/that/that/that. These It is those are, respectively, the plural forms of the former. These is equivalent to these, and those, to these/those/those/those.
Read too: Uses of the impersonal pronoun "it" in English
Summary about this, that, these It is those
This It is that are demonstrative pronouns used for things or people in the singular. This means this/this/it, and that means this/that/this/that/that/that.
These It is those are used for things or people in the plural. These means these and those means these/those/those/those.
This It is these are used for something or someone close to the speaker.
that It is those are used for things or people far from the speaker.
What are the differences between this It is that?
is a demonstrative pronoun and, in Portuguese, it means this/this/it. Already that, also a demonstrative pronoun, means this/that/that/that/that/that. Therefore, when a singular object is close to the speaker, the person uses this. If it is far away from the person, it uses that.This bracelet in my hand is so gorgeous!
This one bracelet on my hand is so wonderful!
that bracelet in your hand is so beautiful!
That one bracelet in your hand is so beautiful!
I like that that tree over there is so tall.
I like that that one tree over there is so tall.
Note that the first that introduces the second sentence, and the second that is the demonstrative pronoun.
What are the differences between these It is those?
These is a demonstrative pronoun and, in Portuguese, it means these. Therefore, it is the plural form of this.Those is also a demonstrative pronoun, meaning these/those/those/those, being the plural form of that. When the mentioned elements are close to the speaker, the person uses these. If they are far away, she uses those.
These earrings in my hand are so old!
These earrings in my hand are so old!
Those earrings in your hand are brand new.
Those earrings in her hand are brand new.
Those people are crazy!
Those people are crazy!
when to use this?
This It is used whenever we want to refer to something or someone close to us.
This guy is great.
This one guy is great.
I want this right now.
I want this now.
This apple is red.
This apple is red.
when to use that?
that It is used whenever we want to refer to something or someone far from us.
that dog belongs to Roger.
That one dog belongs to Roger.
I like that song.
I like of that music.
Note that the rule of the language requires, at the time of translation, the use of the term “de” (from + that one).
that is not my problem.
That it's not my problem.
when to use these?
These It is used whenever we want to refer to elements/people close to us.
These bananas are ripe.
These bananas are ripe.
Could you do assignments like these?
You could do activities like these?
We shouldn't go home as these are the best hours to be outside.
We shouldn't go home since these are the best times to be outside.
when to use those?
Those is used whenever we want refer to elements/people far from us.
Those arguments are pointless.
These discussions are pointless.
How would you like those French fries?
As you want these French fries?
Those countries are poor.
Those ones countries are poor.
Read too: Pronouns — knowing pronouns in english
Solved exercises on this, that, these It is those
question 1

What differentiates the two columns in terms of grammatical use of the demonstrative pronoun?
A) Distance and colors.
B) Distance and number of objects.
C) Colors and number of objects.
D) The person who speaks.
We have this It is those. It is worth remembering that the first is used for an object in the singular, close to the speaker. The second is used for objects or people in the plural, far from the speaker. The criterion, therefore, does not involve color or directly the person who speaks. We can eliminate the letters A, C and D. The correct answer is B: distance and number of objects.
question 2

Imagine that the person is saying something. Which sentence correctly fits the situation above, taking into account this speech?
A) Those are my megaphone.
B) These are my megaphone.
C) This is my megaphone.
D) That's my megaphone.
First, we note that it is a singular object. We can thus eliminate the letters A and B. The object is in the person's hand, therefore close. Therefore, we use this, and the correct alternative is the letter C, with D, therefore, being wrong.
By Beta Maria Xavier Reis
English teacher
Source: Brazil School -