Guinea pig: characteristics, feeding

Guinea pig is the popular name of speciesCavia porcellus. Although the name is common, the term does not adequately reflect the characteristics of this mammal, since it is not a swine, nor a animal from India.

It is a rodent commonly used in research and raised as a pet. It is important to note that before purchasing a guinea pig as a pet, you should talk to a veterinarian about the care to be taken in relation to the pet, such as the ideal diet, the place where it should be raised and the measures in relation to its health.

See too: Classification of mammals — monotremes, placentals, and marsupials

Summary about guinea pigs

  • Guinea pig is the popular name of the species cavia porcellus.
  • This mammal was probably domesticated in the Andes region, starting with an ancestor of today's wild cavies.
  • Guinea pigs have compact bodies, cylindrical in shape, without a tail and small ears.
  • They have two defense mechanisms: to remain immobile or to disperse quickly.
  • They are herbivorous animals and live an average of eight years, and can live up to 14 years.

Characteristics of the guinea pig

The ancestors of the guinea pig come from the America from the South, and the species is believed to have been domesticated in the Andes region, starting with an ancestor of today's wild cavies. The European colonization of South America caused the guinea pig to be introduced to Europe and later taken all over the world. Today, it's ait'sspecies domesticated, increasingly common as a pet. See some of its features.

  • Guinea pigs are used for experimental purposes in laboratories and are also used as food in Andean countries.
  • This animal has a small and cylindrical body, a length between 20.3 cm and 25.4 cm and a body mass of about 700 g to 1100 g.
  • Males are larger than females.
  • This rodent has short legs and small ears. It has no tail.
  • The eyes are positioned laterally on this animal.
  • The guinea pig's coat has different patterns. Different colorations and variation in hair length are observed.
The guinea pig can be raised as a pet.

In addition, the animal's mouth is triangular and has 20 teeth, which grow continuously. The length of the teeth is shortened due to the grinding that takes place during feeding. It is recommended that when raising a guinea pig, it is offered materials that it can gnaw on in order to ensure proper tooth wear.

Guinea pigs are shy, sociable and docile animals. The animal rarely bites or scratches its owner. They like to be close to individuals of the same species, being considered gregarious animals. They are able to communicate by emitting different noises, such as whimpering, purring and whistling.

When threatened, guinea pigs can adopt two distinct defensive behaviors:

  • immobility, which refers to the ability to remain immobile until they no longer feel threatened;
  • dispersion, which consists of separating the group in order to confuse the possible threat.

Read too: Hedgehog - rodent that has a body covered in thorns

Taxonomic classification of the guinea pig

Differently from what some might think, the guinea pig is a kind of mammal which does not belong to the same order as the pig. this animal is a rodent and is included in the family Caviidae, the same family as the cavy. See below in more detail its taxonomic classification.

Kingdom: animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: mammalia

Order: Rodentia

Family: caviidae


 Species:cavia porcellus

Feeding guinea pigs

the guinea pigs are herbivorous animals.Generally, they are fed vegetables, grasses, fruits and hay. In addition, there is food specially developed for these animals, which contain plant material and vitamins necessary for its development.

The guinea pig is a herbivorous species.

Read too: Capybara — the largest rodent in the world

Reproduction and life expectancy of guinea pigs

  • Male guinea pigs reach sexual maturity between 56 and 70 days of age.
  • Females, in turn, reach sexual maturity in approximately 67 days.
  • The gestation of these animals lasts from 59 to 72 days, and the female gives birth, on average, to three young.
  • Weaning of pups takes place about 14 to 21 days after birth.
  • These animals can live up to about 14 years, but their average life expectancy is eight years.

Difference between guinea pig and hamster

Like guinea pigs, hamsters are mammalian animals that are part of the rodent group (order Rodentia). Many people think that hamster is the name given to a single species, however, this popular name is attributed to different species of rodents.

Both guinea pigs and hamsters are appreciated as pets. Before choosing one of these little animals, it is essential to know their characteristics. It is important to know that the hamsters have a shorter life expectancy than guinea pigs, living about three years.

Also, guinea pigs tend to be larger than hamsters. Feeding guinea pigs and hamsters is also different. While guinea pigs are herbivorous animals, hamsters are omnivorous animals. Thus, rations offered to one animal should not be offered to the other. It is also worth noting that guinea pigs should be supplemented with vitamin C.

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