Childhood cancer: types, diagnosis, prevention

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childhood cancer it is a cancer that affects children and adolescents. Like cancers that affect adults, childhood cancer occurs due to the disordered multiplication of cells. It usually develops quickly, and it is essential to be aware of symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, pain bone, bleeding, frequent headaches, appearance of lumps, eye changes and behavior changes.

The diagnosis is confirmed through specific tests, such as imaging tests and biopsies. After diagnosis, treatment should start quickly and include therapies such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Childhood cancer has a high cure rate, reaching 80%.

Read too: Is a tumor cancer?

Childhood Cancer Summary

  • It is a cancer that affects children and adolescents.

  • It is not related to environmental and lifestyle risk factors.

  • Most childhood cancers respond well to current treatments.

  • Around 80% of children and adolescents with childhood cancer can be cured if they receive proper treatment.

  • THE leukemia stands out as the most frequent childhood cancer.

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  • Several symptoms can be related to childhood cancer, and it is essential to be aware of some changes, such as pain from headache, motor changes, behavior changes, eye changes, increased abdominal volume, bone pain, bleeding and bruises.

  • Diagnosis can only be confirmed on the basis of testing.

  • Chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy are treatments that can be performed on patients with childhood cancer.

  • Patients with childhood cancer must be monitored by a multidisciplinary team.

What is childhood cancer?

Before we can better understand what childhood cancer is, we must keep in mind the definition of cancer. The term cancer is used to refer to a group of diseases that have in common the multiplication disorderlyThe in cells, which takes à formation of tumors,which can invade nearby tissues or other areas of the body. This migration of cancer cells from one region to another is known as metastasis.

O childhood cancer affects children and adolescents and represents the leading cause of death from disease among children and adolescents from 1 to 19 years of age in our country. Despite this, due to the predominantly embryonic nature, tumors in children and adolescents are formed by undifferentiated cells, which generally makes them respond better to treatments current.

The need for early diagnosis is essential for successful treatment. According to Inca, around 80% of children and adolescents affected by the disease can be cured if diagnosed early and treated in specialized centers,and most will have a good quality of life after proper treatment.

It is important to highlight that in childhood cancer, unlike adult cancer, lifestyle-related risk factors do not increase a child's risk of developing cancer.

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Symptoms of childhood cancer

Childhood cancer can be a challenge when it comes to early diagnosis. This occurs because, many times, its symptoms are very similar to those of infections that commonly occur in children, and many caregivers end up not looking for a specialist to treat the problem. The presence of bruises, for example, can be associated with tumbles and bumps, however, it is also a symptom that can occur in some cases of leukemia.

According to the brochure "Child Cancer: Warning Signs", prepared by international cancer control institutions and published in Brazil by Inca, are considered warning signs:

  • paleness, bruising or bleeding, bone pain;

  • lumps or swelling, especially if painless and without fever or other signs of infection;

  • unexplained weight loss or fever, persistent cough or shortness of breath, night sweats.

  • eye changes—white pupil, new-onset strabismus, visual loss, bruises or swelling around the eyes;

  • abdominal swelling;

  • headache, especially if unusual, persistent or severe, vomiting (especially in the morning or worsening over the days);

  • limb pain or bone pain, swelling without trauma or signs of infection;

  • fatigue, lethargy or changes in behavior such as isolation;

  • dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.

As said, the signs and symptoms are similar to minor illnesses and, for the most part, they really don't represent danger. However, it is important to be aware and seek a specialist when the aforementioned symptoms appear.

Most common types of childhood cancers

When we talk about childhood cancer, the three most frequent types are leukemias, cancers that affect the central nervous system and the lymphomaat:

  • Leukemias: childhood leukemia stands out as the main type of childhood cancer. In leukemia, a blood cell suffers mutation and becomes cancerous, which features rapid multiplication and lower mortality than normal cells. Over time, normal blood cells in the bone marrow are replaced by cancer cells.

    Leukemias can be divided into two major groups: myeloid and lymphoid. Lymphoid leukemias affect lymphoid cells, which form lymphocytes. Myeloids, on the other hand, affect myeloid cells, which originate Red Cells, monocytes, granulocytes (neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils) and platelets. Leukemias can still be classified into chronic or acute.

    Chronic ones get worse gradually, while acute ones get worse quickly. The most common types in children are the acute lymphoid leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemias can cause symptoms such as weight loss, bone pain, bleeding, bruising, weakness, tiredness, drowsiness and recurrent infections.

  • Cancers of the central nervous system: affect the central nervous system and stand out as the second most common type of cancer in children. Tumors formed in the nervous system can cause headaches, vomiting, dizziness, difficulty walking, and blurred vision.

  • Lymphomas: are a type of cancer that originates in the cells of the lymphatic system. Lymphomas mainly affect lymph nodes. They can cause symptoms such as enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, neck or groin area, weakness, weight loss and sweating.

Other types of cancer that affect children are the neuroblastoma, which affects peripheral nervous system cells; O Wilms' tumor, which affects the kidneys; O retinoblastoma, which affects the retina; O germline tumor, which affects cells that give rise to the testes and ovaries; and the tumors óbone.

Diagnosis of childhood cancer

Woman taking the hands of a child with cancer lying on the bed.
During all cancer treatment, it is essential that the child has the support of their family and friends.

The physician, faced with suggestive symptoms, should investigate the patient's condition more deeply. For a correct diagnosis, exams must be done, such as imaging tests and biopsies.

childhood cancer treatment

The treatment of childhood cancer, as well as other types of cancers, is done individually, and the modality to be chosen will depend on factors such as the type of cancer presented by the patient and the condition in which he is found.

The three main treatment modalities are the chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy.Chemotherapy uses drugs to fight cancer. In surgery, the tumor is removed through surgical intervention. Radiotherapy, in turn, uses ionizing radiation in order to prevent the multiplication or destruction of cancer cells.

To ensure greater success in the treatment and improvement in the patient's general well-being, it is important that the child or adolescent receive attention from a multidisciplinary team. Professionals such as psychologists, for example, are essential in the treatment of any type of cancer developed by the individual. The news that a child or teenager has cancer is not always easy to deal with, and it is essential to help both the patient and their family.

Read too: Neoplasm — abnormal multiplication of tissue cells that can have serious consequences for the organism

childhood cancer prevention

Until now, there are no ways to prevent childhood cancerOne of the main reasons is the fact that there is no evidence that the disease can be triggered by exposure to any environmental factor. Therefore, the focus must always be on early diagnosis.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
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