O breast cancer is a kind of cancer that affects the breasts, causing symptoms such as the appearance of nodules and changes in the skin and nipple. The disease is treatable, and a complete cure can be achieved for the patient, especially for those with an early diagnosis.
Among the treatments available for breast cancer cases are: chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. The ideal treatment for each patient will depend on aspects such as the type of cancer and the stage of the disease. Breast cancer in Brazil, according to the National Cancer Institute (Inca), is the most incident in women when the tumors in skin not melanoma.
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What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects the breasts. We can define cancer as a group of diseases in which it is observed disorderly growth of cells, leading to tumor formation, which can invade tissues and organs and even spread to other regions of the body (metastasis).
Breast cancer affects both women and men, however,
in men, this is a rare condition. According to Inca, breast cancer in men represents only 1% of all cases of the disease.What are the risk factors for breast cancer?
Some risk factors are recognized for the development of breast cancer. Among them we can highlight: age; obesity and overweight after menopause; sedentary lifestyle; first menstruation before 12 years of age; not having had children; first pregnancy after 30 years of age; menopause after age 55; use of contraceptives hormonal; hormone replacement; and cases of ovarian and breast cancer in the family.
It is noteworthy, however, that the presence of one or more risk factors does not necessarily mean that a woman will develop this type of cancer.
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What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer?
Initially, breast cancer does not cause symptoms, which can make early diagnosis difficult. Some changes in the breast, however, can indicate the disease, so it is essential that people are careful special with your body, always observing and seeking medical help if changes raise suspicion of any illness.
The National Cancer Institute highlights as signs and symptoms of breast cancer that deserve attention and should be investigated by the physician:
- Appearance of lump in the breast;
- Breast with reddened, retracted or orange peel appearance;
- Changes in the nipple;
- Nodules in the armpit and neck region;
- Spontaneous outflow of abnormal fluid from the nipples.
How is breast cancer diagnosed?
O early diagnosis is essential for greater success in the treatment of breast cancer. Both men and women should always take a good look at their bodies in order to identify changes that could indicate an illness. In addition, the woman should make routine appointments with the gynecologist, who will assess different aspects of her health, including the breasts.
Among the tests that can help in the diagnosis of breast cancer, there are clinical examination and imaging tests such as ultrasound and mammography. The Ministry of Health recommends that a mammogram be done by all women aged between 50 and 69, every two years. It is noteworthy that the tests mentioned help in the diagnosis, however, after checking for a tumor, confirmation of the disease is only made after a biopsy.
Is breast cancer curable?
Breast cancer is a curable disease, especially when early diagnosis is made. Treatment varies from one patient to another and it will depend on factors such as the type of tumor presented and the stage of the disease in which the patient is. The faster the treatment starts, the more chance of cure it will present. Among the treatments available today, we can mention: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, biological therapy and hormone therapy.
Read too: Advances in cancer treatment
Can breast cancer be prevented?
Breast cancer presents some risk factors as life habits that can be changed, such as: maintaining a healthy diet; practice physical activities, thus avoiding a sedentary lifestyle; do not use alcoholic beverages; avoid the use of contraceptives as well as the so-called hormone replacement; breastfeed.
What is Pink October?
Pink October is a breast cancer awareness movement and seeks to spread quality information on the topic. With this it is expected that more people learn about this type of cancer and, consequently, have access to an increasingly earlier diagnosis, reducing the number of deaths from the disease. To learn more about this important health campaign, especially for women, read: Pink October.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Breast cancer"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/doencas/cancer-de-mama.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.