Skill 4 of the Enem writing: 5 tips and summary

THE competence 4 from Enem's editorial office checks the student's ability to use linguistic mechanisms in the construction of their arguments. It is in it that the calls are present. argumentative operators, fundamental in building a argumentative essay text.

Read more: Textual cohesion in Enem's writing

Summary of competence 4 of the ENEM essay

  • Competency 4 assesses what we call “textual binding”, which makes the information, data and arguments arranged in a sequential, fluid and logical way for the reader.

  • THE cohesion is the main concern of competency 4; it can be classified into referential or sequential cohesion.

  • Cohesive elements are responsible for binding sentences and sentences and for connecting paragraphs. Both cases are assessed by competency 4.

  • To achieve the maximum score in competency 4, it is important to study the connectives, be aware of inter and intra-paragraph usage, and read a lot to increase vocabulary.

Video lesson on competence 4 of the ENEM essay

What is assessed in competency 4 of writing the Enem?

The argumentative dissertation is a textual genre that demands a "textual binding", that is, the information, you data and you arguments need to be presented in a fluid and sequential way.. This binding system is called textual cohesion.

Cohesion can be classified in two ways: referential cohesion and sequential cohesion. Both act to ensure the sequence of ideas, the link between phrases, prayers and even between paragraphs, and they also avoid repetition and certain semantic inconsistencies.

Next, we have the reference matrix of competence 4 of Enem:


Competence 4

Demonstrate knowledge of the linguistic mechanisms necessary for the construction of argumentation


Does not articulate the information.


Articulates parts of text poorly.


It articulates parts of the text poorly, with many inadequacies, and has a limited repertoire of cohesive resources.


It articulates the parts of the text in an average way, with inadequacies, and presents a little diversified repertoire of cohesive resources.


It articulates the parts of the text, with few inadequacies, and presents a diversified repertoire of cohesive resources.


It articulates the parts of the text well and presents a diversified repertoire of cohesive resources.

For a better understanding of competency 4, let's look at the following example:

According to Steve Jobs, one of the founders of the company “Apple”, technology moves the world.However, technological advances have not only brought advances to society, since billions of people suffer manipulation arising from access to their data when using the internet. In this sense, this This process is carried out by companies that seek to enhance the notoriety of their products and content in the virtual environment. Under such a perspective, this scenario disregards important principles of social life, namely, freedom and privacy.

According to Jean Paul Sartre, man is condemned to be free. In this logic, the use of personal access information to influence the user confronts Sartre's thinking, since the individual has his freedom to choose impeded by the imposition of contents to be accessed. In this way, the internet becomes an undemocratic environment and becomes a reflection of contemporary society, in which relations of profit and interest predominate. It becomes essential, therefore, the dissolution of this conjuncture.

also, it is worth noting that, according to Immanuel Kant, the principle of ethics is to act in such a way that this action can be a universal practice. in a similar way, the violation of privacy by accessing virtual data without people's permission goes against ethics Kantian, given that if all citizens disrespected the privacy of others, society would go into deep imbalance. Based on this, the use of virtual information is harmful to the social order and, therefore, becomes contestable when executed without consent.

In short, measures are needed to alleviate the manipulation of user behavior by controlling data on the internet. Soon, in order to give the individual freedom of choice, it is up to technology companies to request authorization for the use of this information, through of warnings with clear language, in view of the technical language currently used by such warnings. in addition, it is up to the citizen to pay attention to this issue, in order to demand and put pressure on these companies. Finally, from these actions, technologies, as Steve Jobs said, will move the world forward.

Written by André Bahia, 18 years old, from Janaúba-MG
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In the newsroom, we marked in bold some of the main cohesive elements present. The terms “otherwise” and “in short” make the links between the paragraphs. The term “however” marks an opposing idea, while “therefore” refers to a conclusive idea. Expressions such as “in such a perspective”, “in this sense”, “based on this” resume the discussed ideas, bringing sequence and fluidity to the text.

5 tips to get the maximum score from competence 4 of the ENEM essay

1) Understanding and using referential cohesion

The first step in achieving the maximum score for competence 4 is precisely knowing the types of cohesion and knowing how to use them properly. In this sense, referential cohesion is used in order to mainly avoid the repetition of terms and sentences.. Let's see:

The government needs to invest in education. This process will result in advances in Brazilian society.

In the excerpt, it is possible to see that the action of investing in first prayer education is replaced by “this process”. Referential cohesion prevents terms from being repeated and making the production of bad sense because of this excess.

There are several ways to use referential cohesion, such as through articles, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, adverbial expressions, nominal expressions, synonyms, hyperonyms etc. All these word classes or expressions can be used as substitutes in a sentence.

2) Understanding and using sequential cohesion

Sequential cohesion works through the use of connectors that help a theme progress in a way argueactive inside the text. Thus, sequential cohesion is defined by using the so-called argumentative operators. Below, let's look at some of them:

Junction Connectors: add arguments in line with a conclusion. The most used are: “and”, “nor”, ​​“and also”, “as well” etc. Example: He is good and effective.

Opposition Connectors: relate opposing ideas. The best known are: "but", "however", "however", "however", "however", "however", etc. Example: Brazil is a nation with a lot of potential, but some structural problems impede its growth.

cause connectors: present a statement as a cause or explanation for the occurrence of another. The main ones are: “because”, “because”, “how”, “why”, “since”, “since” etc. Example: We must take care of the environment, as the future of our generation depends on it.

Condition Connectors: through them, an utterance is introduced as a condition for the introduction of another. They are: “if”, “if”, “since”, “provided that”, “unless”, “unless”. Example: I clean the house as long as you do the laundry.

Comparison Connectors: establish a relation of comparison between elements of the utterance. The best known are: “as… as much”, “as less… as”, “as much more… as”, “as much… how much” etc. Example: He's as good as you are.

Having knowledge of sequential cohesive elements prevents contradictions and illogical reasoning from occurring.

3) Notion of intra- and inter-paragraph cohesion

Cohesion works in a micro and macro way, that is, it is present internally, making the link between ideas from previous sentences with the following ones (micro), and externally, connecting and resuming paragraphs (macro). To make it clearer, let's look at the table below.

Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. However, text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.

in such light, text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. Although, text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. Thus, text text text text text text.

as was said, text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. He text text text text text text text text text. On the other hand, text text text text text text text text text text text text text.

text text text text, therefore, text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.

In the scheme, we have marked in Redthe cohesive elements within paragraph and in greenthe cohesive elements interparagraphs. The uses of “however”, “however”, “thus”, “on the other hand” and “he” connect previous information (of sentences and sentences); on the other hand, the terms “in such a perspective”, as mentioned, take up ideas from previous paragraphs. Thus, for example, the use of “in such a perspective” takes up an idea from the first paragraph, just introduced and which the author decides to develop in the sequence.

THE competency 4 assesses the use of connectives within and outside of each paragraph. Therefore, it is important, after knowing the types of cohesion, to understand the places where they are found (internally or externally to the paragraphs).

  • Video lesson on connectors for the writing of Enem

4) Text proofreading

With cohesion studies up to date, it is important to remember that the writing process is susceptible to occasional failures and that the the absence of a thorough review of the text may result in some penalties.

It is natural that, during the writing process, ideas and inspiration come in such a way that we end up ignoring some formal aspects of textual production. The lack of cohesion, at times, is not the result of a failure in studies or in the understanding of its use, but rather the result of thinking directed at other aspects of the text.

Thus, a careful review is important for identify possible argumentative flaws or even repetitions..

5) Reading

It may seem repetitive, but a good writing is the result of constant reading activity.. Merely memorizing the connector usage rules is not enough, as reading mainly helps to increase vocabulary of cohesive elements.

With a basic knowledge of the use of cohesion and poor reading, the student is able to produce texts within the requirements of competency 4, but may fail to not find variations for, for example, argumentative operators that convey the idea of ​​opposition and be limited to just a few, repeating them several times in the text.

On the other hand, with a lot of reading and enough knowledge about connectives, the student is able to use a diverse amount of cohesive elements, enriching the text and not being penalized by vocabulary limited.

What are the 5 skills of writing Enem?

In addition to competency 4, the writing of Enem is evaluated in four other competencies. Below is the complete list of exam competencies.

Competence 1: evaluates grammar issues, orthography, syllable separation, agreement, back, conducting and parallelism.

Competence 2: assesses the adequacy to the theme and the use of the sociocultural repertoire.

Competency 3: analyzes the presence of a cohesive text project.

Competence 4: it is responsible for the surface structure of the text, that is, the presence of cohesive (connective) elements throughout the writing.

Competence 5: check for one intervention proposal and whether it is well designed, meeting all the criteria required by the competency.

If you want to go deeper into the topic of this topic, read: The 5 skills of writing Enem.

By Rafael Camargo de Oliveira
writing teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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