Importance of Brazilian Agriculture. Farming

The production farming it is an activity developed in rural areas, in areas that are occupied by the primary sector of the economy, in which agriculture, livestock and extractive activities stand out.

The types of production mentioned are mainly intended to serve the food and raw material market. The rural space is characterized by tranquility, the presence of original vegetation cover, wild animals, among others.
Briefly, production in rural areas is basically composed of farming, expression used to collectively designate the livestock and agriculture.

Farming groups livestock and agriculture.

For a long time, agriculture has played a role of great importance in the national economy, in addition, it was one of the first economic activities to be developed in the country.
Another point to be highlighted about the relevance that agriculture has in Brazil is regarding the occupation of the territory that had beginning with the production of sugar cane, later on coffee and, finally, cattle raising, which led to the settlement of the interior of the parents.

Agricultural activity in Brazil represents 8% of the Brazilian GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and generates employment for at least 10% of the economically active population in the country.
Agricultural production aims to allocate its products, such as grains, fruits, vegetables and also meat, milk, eggs, among others, to supply the domestic market and especially the market external. Not counting the raw materials.
There are several factors that favored the rapid growth of this type of production in Brazil, among the main ones are:
- Large population with prospects for the domestic market, generous offer of areas suitable for the development of such activities and the process of modernization and mechanization of rural production;
- Surface irregularities favorable to rural occupation and good fertility in a large part of the territory.
- The climate configuration was decisive for the consolidation of tropical cultures and animal husbandry, since temperatures are high throughout the year in a large part of the territory.
Brazil, as a rural producer, occupies the first place in the world in the production of coffee, sugar cane, orange and cattle, as well as second and third respectively in the production of soybean (2nd), corn (3rd), swine (3rd) and horses (3º).

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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