The Importance of Ear Testing in Newborn Babies

Every baby is subject to having possible hearing problems at birth or acquiring them in the first years of life. In order to prevent hearing loss or even to remedy it, in the case of babies who have congenital deafness, municipal law nº. 3028, of May 17, 2000.

This law refers to a neonatal hearing screening program that aims to assess hearing in newborns. This program is effective in terms of prevention and hearing care, being recommended by institutions around the world, aiming at the early diagnosis of hearing loss, since its incidence in the general population is 1 to 2 per 1000 births alive.

Learn important questions regarding this test, such as:

When should it be done?

It is recommended to perform the ear test in the baby's first years of life (3 months), detecting early losses that may influence language learning. The exam is usually performed in the nursery in natural sleep, preferably on the 2nd or 3rd day of life. Its duration varies between 5 and 10 minutes, it does not have any contraindication, it does not wake up or bother the baby. It does not require any type of invasive intervention (use of needles or any sharp object) and is absolutely innocuous. Hearing screening is initially performed through the Acoustic Evoked Emissions test (code 51.01.039-9 AMB).

How to schedule the test?

Look for clinics that have doctors specialized in otolaryngology and also look for the speech therapist, they will forward and carry out the ear test, respectively.

What method was used?

The most used method for newborn hearing screening is the Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (EOAs) test according to the code (51.01.039-9 AMB).
Considered quite objective, this exam is painless and quick to perform, performed during the baby's natural sleep.
A phone is used on the outside of the baby's ear. It takes 5 to 10 minutes and does not have any contraindication, does not wake up or disturb the baby.
The OAE test is based on the production of a certain sound stimulus, as well as on the perception of the return of this stimulus (echo), the recording is done through the computer, checking if the cochlea (inner part of the ear) is normal, that is, in operation, a graphic is issued with the diagnosis of the exam.
How is the result given?
After the end of the exam, in addition to the result, an evaluation protocol is given to the person in charge and to the doctor who requested the exam. In case of suspicion of any abnormality after carrying out the newborn hearing screening, the baby will be referred for a complete otological and audiological evaluation.
In order to help prevent hearing loss, below are some factors that lead to deafness:
Risk factors for deafness:
Baby from 0 to 28 days
- Family history: having other cases of deafness in the family;
- Intrauterine infection: caused by cytomegalovirus, rubella, syphilis, genital herpes or toxoplasmosis;
- Low weight;
- Hyperbilirubinemia: disease that occurs 24 hours after childbirth. The baby turns all yellow from an increase in a substance called bilirubin;
- Ototoxic medications;
- Neurological syndromes: Down syndrome or Waldemburg syndrome, among others.

By Elen Cristine M. whitewashed fields
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy

Source: Brazil School -

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