5 free apps for entrepreneur productivity

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy that will bring tips so that young people can, from an early age, learn to innovate and become an entrepreneur, discovering countless possibilities for building a future promising.

Productivity is an important word in the job market, as it has a high impact on the results presented. In today's world, every young person has a series of difficulties in keeping focused, as we have several online media (social media, applications, games, etc.) that hinder the efficient delivery process.

but there are some apps that can collaborate with the organization of ideas, content and, above all, productivity. All of our tips are services from companies, but there is usually a version "freemium"that is, free, but with limitations. For those who are just starting out and just want to experiment, it's a super advantage. Follow our tips below.

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There are free apps that help a lot in the planning and productivity of the entrepreneur.
There are free apps that help a lot in the planning and productivity of the entrepreneur.

5 free apps for entrepreneur productivity

1. evernote

That is one notes app very complete and that allows you to create texts, hyperlinks, check-list, photos and audios. It's a perfect place to jot down meeting information, project scope, new business ideas, as well as content from workshop or courses.

He organize your notes by books (notebooks), which makes it easy to separate by subject. As it can be installed on your cell phone, it is the best tool to be with you in different situations, organizing what you're listening to or learning, and obviously preventing any kind of information. There are other apps with the same purpose and format, but our suggestion is to use Evernote.

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2. Trello

If you open the Trello website, you will see the following message: Work more collaboratively and be more productive. This service really helps companies to organize their work routine and projects in a simple and practical way. You can organize your tasks like a flowchart, organized by phases, such as development, implementation, control, etc. In addition, you can connect all of your company's resources in one place, making it easy to identify what each one is doing, as well as get feedback quickly. Management becomes faster and more efficient.

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3. docusign

A program that allows the entrepreneur sign and initial documents using only your smartphone or tablet, that is, it makes the billing and sales process much easier, especially if the negotiation is taking place in other states or cities. Many companies are stuck with paper transport or contracts, but with this management model, you gain productivity and speed.

The way it works is very simple: just open a document in the app and choose where you want to place your signature on the page. The system supports PDFs, Office package files and images, in addition to interacting with cloud storage services. At first glance, it may not seem to be that important, but the relevance in the process will be noticeable.

4. pomodoro

There are several apps that help with this technique, so I won't point to a specific one, but here you'll see the importance of working with focus. THE Pomodoro technique was created by the Italian Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. she is a time management method that organizes tasks into 25-minute intervals. During this period, it is necessary to devote all the attention to work and, when the clock wakes up, the person is rewarded with five minutes to rest. One of the biggest challenges for young people today is to stay focused, mainly because of the number of distractions that exist. Using any kind of mechanism to help with productivity is extremely important to achieving success.

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5. MailChimp

Send email to customers or prospects it can be a tiring and time-consuming operation. When we start a company, we usually have few contacts, but over time, our mailing increases and we end up getting lost in the shipment. There are several tools for automatic email trigger, but I consider MailChimp to be the best suggestion.

The important thing here is not just using the solution, but understanding about customer base administration, segmentation, groups and planning a message calendar. Let's not forget about the lead capture strategies. There are several videos on Youtube explaining this topic, watch and have fun with this content!

By New Educa

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy focused on developing projects in schools involving Apple Technology, with the implementation of iPads and teacher training. In addition, it also carries out the podcast Nova Educa Debate, with interviews about the educational market and BNCC about entrepreneurship and innovation content. We will have several consultants collaborating with this column, which will be led by the innovation director, Carlos Coelho, Education enthusiast with experience in a multinational, at Singularity University (California), as a teacher and manager school; and we will have Priscila Coelho, operations director, specialist in educational technology training, creativity and innovation.

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