The Argumentation. The Different Types of Argumentation

Argumentation is a resource that aims to convince someone to change their opinion or behavior.
Whenever we argue, we aim to convince someone to think like us.
At the time of textual construction, arguments are essential, these will be the evidence we will present, with the purpose of defending our idea and convincing the reader that this is the correct one.

There are different types of arguments and the right choice consolidates the text.

citation argument

Whenever we want to defend an idea, we look for 'consecrated' people, who think like us about the topic in evidence.
We present in the body of our text the mention of information extracted from another source.

The citation can be presented like this:

This seems to be so because, for Piaget, “all morality consists of a system of rules and the essence of all morality must be sought in the respect that the individual acquires for these rules” (Piaget, 1994, p.11). The essence of morality is respect for the rules. The intellectual capacity to understand that the rule expresses a rationality in itself balanced.

The quoted excerpt must be in accordance with the ideas in the text, so this strategy may work well.

argumentation by evidence

The argumentation will be supported based on the information presented (data, statistics, percentages) that accompany it.
This feature is exploited when the objective is to contest a mistaken point of view.


The Minister of Education, Cristovam Buarque, today launches the Educational Exclusion Map. The Inep study, based on data from the IBGE and the Educational Census of the Ministry of Education, shows the number of children between seven and fourteen years old who are out of schools in each state.
According to the map, in Brazil, 1.4 million children, or 5.5% of the population in this age group (seven to fourteen years), for whom education is mandatory, do not attend classrooms.
The worst index is in Amazonas: 16.8% of children in the state, or 92,800, are out of school. The best, the Federal District, with only 2.3% (7 200) of excluded children, followed by Rio Grande do Sul, with 2.7% (39 thousand) and São Paulo, with 3.2% (168.7 thousand).

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

(Monica Bergamo. Sheet of S. Paulo,

In this type of citation, the author needs data to demonstrate his thesis.

reasoning by logical reasoning

The creation of cause-and-effect relationships is a resource used to demonstrate that a conclusion (stated in the text) is necessary, and not the result of a personal interpretation that can be disputed.
“Smoking is the most serious public health problem in Brazil. Just as we do not admit that marijuana, crack or heroin dealers advertise for the our children on TV, all forms of cigarette advertising should be banned strictly. For the disobedient, jail.”

VARELLA, Drauzio. In: Sheet of S. Paulo, May 20, 2000.

For the construction of a good argumentative text, it is necessary to know the proposed question, which is the foundation for it to be carried out successfully.

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature

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