Third Industrial Revolution: context, consequences, countries

The Third Industrial Revolutionl corresponds to the period after Second World War in which the improvement and new advances in the technological field came to encompass the field of science, integrating it into the production system. This phase of the Industrial Revolution is also known as Technical-Scientific-Informational Revolution.

When and how did the Third Industrial Revolution take place?

The Third Industrial Revolution took place in the mid-twentieth century, starting in the 1950s. At that time, several fields of knowledge began to suffer changes as a result of the technological advance experienced in this period and never seen before.

The industries that developed hightechnology began to stand out in relation to the industries that stood out in the previous phases of the Industrial Revolution, such as metallurgy, steel and the automobile industry.

They assumed a prominent position, at that time, the robotics,genetics,Computing,telecommunications,electronics, between others. The studies carried out in these areas ended up modifying the entire production system, as the objective was to produce more in less time, using advanced technologies and qualifying the workforce that took the lead in all stages of production, marketing and management of companies involved in the manufacture and trade of goods produced.

In addition to new inventions, many created to serve World War II, there were also Enhancement of older inventions. All this associated with the production process. More efficient machines, more precise instruments and the introduction of robots have changed the way the industry is organized, enabling the increase production and possible profits, reducing labor costs, as well as reducing the time it would take to manufacture the product Final.

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In addition to the development achieved in the industrial sector combined with the development of the scientific field, the Third Industrial Revolution also changed the relationssocial and the relationships between the men it's the quite. The new technologies developed at this stage made it possible for information to be transmitted faster and faster and stimulated interaction between people around the world.

Time and distance were reduced while knowledge developed. People were instantly connected. This breaking of physical and temporal barriers that connected cultures, traditions, languages ​​and history became known as globalization. To learn more about this subject, click here: globalization


Many were the consequences of the Third Industrial Revolution and they could be noticed in the field of Sciences, at spatialization and development of industries, at economy and in the relationssocial. This phase of the Industrial Revolution is still experienced today, as well as its results. Many goods produced and invented during this period are widely used by society, especially electronics.

The field of genetics represents one of the evolutions achieved with the Third Industrial Revolution.
The field of genetics represents one of the evolutions achieved with the Third Industrial Revolution.

To understand the consequences, one must first have an idea of ​​what was created throughout the Third Industrial Revolution. THE hightechnology it enabled the creation of new computers and software associated with the development of the internet. Smaller and more efficient personal computers emerged. Chips and several other electronic products also appeared.

Atomic energy came into use, they created the long-range rocket, and satellites came into use as well. There was an improvement in telephones, creating mobile telephony. The field of medicine has also changed with new technologies. There is now talk of biotechnology. Genetics has transformed the world. New drugs, new ways to prevent diseases and new treatments were developed.

All these creations developed new social relationships as the population's life became more practical. THE Internet and the electronics distance and time decreased. Millions of messages, images and information are sent instantly, regardless of geographic location.

The Third Industrial Revolution was also responsible for the increase in multinationals, the accelerated growth of economies and consolidated the financial capitalism while he started to determine the strategies that permeate the finance market. The industries dispersed around the world, settling in peripheral countries due to the economic advantages offered.

Despite all the positive points mentioned, this phase of the revolution also brought consequencesnegative. Technological advances have also changed the relationship between man and the environment while transforming the production process. Producing more in less time demands the increasingly intense use of natural resources.

This new feature of the production system has worried many environmentalists and scholars. Natural resources are under threat, in that way, future generations can suffer the consequences. It is necessary to look for a developmentsustainable and apply it to the production system.

THE devaluation of labor can also be seen at this stage. The replacement of manufacturing by machinofacture was responsible for a greater exploitation of work, enabling the existence of new relationships between employer and employee. Then, unemployment increased, as well as informal jobs.

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Countries of the Third Industrial Revolution

At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, technological development was limited to EuropeWestern. In the Third Industrial Revolution, industrialization spread to countries like the United States, Japan, Germany and, later, to the whole world.

In the post-World War II period, countries like Japan and Germany were in the process of recovery after being devastated. The United States, through the Marshall Plan, worked with the allies in the reconstruction of these countries, especially with financial assistance. Upon re-establishing, these countries began to prioritize the sectors of education, technology and also the scientific field.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

One of the features of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is 3D printing.
One of the features of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is 3D printing.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is, according to the World Economic Forum, a transition towards new systems through the digital revolution. The Forum points out that this phase of the industrial revolution is not considered an extension of the third in terms of speed, reach and impacts on the systems.

One of the characteristics of this phase is the tendency to 100% of the factory automation through cyberphysical systems. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is marked by the nanotechnology, neurotechnology, robots, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, 3D printers, use of drones, among others. The countries that are already experiencing this reality are, according to the 2016 IMF report: Singapore, Finland, Norway, Sweden, the United States, the Netherlands and Israel.

by Rafaela Sousa
Graduated in Geography

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