All states are below the Ideb 2017 target for secondary education

No Brazilian state has reached the goal of the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb) 2017 in the evaluation of high school. The information was released by the Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) this Monday, September 3rd.

Check out the full balance of Ideb 2017

According to the MEC, the situation is worrying for secondary education. With an expected growth of 3.7 points to 4.7, the national Ideb index at this level only increased by 0.1 point, ie, it went to 3.8, well below expectations.

Nationally, this is the third edition in which secondary education does not reach the goal established by Inep. Individually, each state is also below expectations in the Ideb assessment, with five having a reduction in performance in this edition.

Secondary education had its results obtained by sampling until the year 2015. In 2017, Inep expanded the application of the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb), which assessed only elementary education, for students in the third year of high school.

  • Elementary School

The scenario of elementary school at Ideb is more exciting when compared to high school. The initial years (until the 5th year) have shown constant growth since 2005 and have been reaching the goals of each edition. In the final years, the numbers also grow, but the goals have not been reached since 2013.

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STARTING YEARS - 1st to 5th year of elementary school
FINAL YEARS - 6th to 9th grade of elementary school

How is the Ideb evaluation?

The IDEB is an index used by the Inep/Ministry of Education (MEC) to measure the performance of the educational system in Brazil. The assessment is the combination of Reading and Mathematics grades, carried out by the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb) every two years, with data from the annual School Census. Understand:

- Students in the last years of each level (early years of elementary school; final years of elementary school and high school), that is, 5th and 9th grade of elementary school and 3rd year of high school are evaluated every two years in Reading and Mathematics.

- Inep accesses data on students' school trajectory through the School Census (school flow - performance indicator).

More information in this Ideb presentation.


What to study for Encceja
What to study for Encceja

See what to study for the Encceja exam and arrive more confidently at the Exam, thus ensuring your certification, whether for Elementary or High School. Despite having the same number of questions for both levels of certifications, the content charged to be studied in Encceja has a difference.

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