Llama (glama mud)

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Kingdom animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Artiodactyla
Family camelid
Genre llama
Speciesglam mud

O glam mud is a typical ruminant from regions with more accentuated relief in South America: the Andes, Altiplano Andino, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Argentina. This animal, belonging to the order Artiodactyla and the Camelidae family, is smaller than a camel. It can reach 2.4 m in height, weigh up to 140 kg and live for approximately 24 years. The tail is about 75 cm. It has an elongated neck and an oval head.
Its fur, fine and long, has shades that vary between black, brown, yellow and white - uniform or with spots of different color. They feed on grasses. They always defecate in the same place.
They live in harems of approximately 15 females and one dominant male. At the end of each pregnancy, which lasts approximately 350 days, there is the birth of one or, rarely, two offspring. They are breastfed for up to five months, reaching sexual maturity approximately two years later.
The llama was domesticated approximately 4,000 years ago by pre-Columbian peoples. Today it is used as a pack animal by the Andean peoples, who also consume its meat, as well as milk and wool.

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These animals often spit a smelly substance on other individuals - including humans - when they feel uncomfortable.
When they receive a load of greater weight than they can support, they lie down and remain that way until the excess is removed.
The feces of this animal, added to limestone, were used to clean up the waters of a mining region of the Bolivia, since such debris absorbs iron particles and the bacteria present in this material alkalinize the Water.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology


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