THE difference between bird and bird lies in the fact that the term bird is given to all animals belonging to the birds class, but the term bird should only be used to indicate individuals of the Passeriforme order. This means, therefore, that every bird is a bird, but not every bird can be considered a bird. Next, we'll learn a little more about birds and also birds, a specific group of birds.
→ birds
At birds they are animals vertebrates that have the presence of a body covered with feathers. The presence of feathers is directly related to the flight, however, it is not only their function. Feathers play an important role in thermal insulation, camouflage and in attracting partners, for example.
The birds stand out for the presence of a beak which makes these animals' heads lighter, which is also an important feature for flight. In addition, we verified in the birds the presence of several different nozzles, which are adapted to the diet of each species. Birds that eat insects, for example, have shorter, thinner beaks. Carnivorous birds, on the other hand, have heavy, pointed beaks.
The Hyacinth Macaw is an example of a bird that is not considered a bird.
Still talking about the tendency to a lighter body, we can't stop talking about hollow and airy bones, called dand pneumatics. These bones are much lighter than our bones, for example.
Read too: Adaptations of birds to flight
The birds have complete digestive system and also complex. In these animals, we found some important adaptations, such as the presence ofand chat and gizzard, structures that help a lot these animals that don't have teeth. The crop is a dilated portion of the esophagus and is concerned with storing and softening food, while the gizzard works as a mechanical stomach.
The birds have lung breathing and rely on the presence of structures called air sacs. Air bags act as an air reservoir and make this system even more efficient. The system circulatory is closed, that is, blood flows inside blood vessels. O bird heart has four cavities, as well as the heart of mammals.
These animals also stand out for having the ability to control body temperature, which does not vary with changes in the environment. Because of this feature, we say that they are animals endothermics.
The bluebird is an example of a bird of the Passeriforme order.
Let's not forget that all birds are oviparous, that is, all birds lay eggs. A large portion of birds lay their eggs in nests to ensure the protection of the young.
Read too:Blue Arara
→ birds
Birds are birds of the Passeriforme order, which includes 60% of all known bird species. This order, therefore, is the largest order of birds, with approximately 55 families.
Birds are birds that have some striking features, such as anisodactyl foot.
How are birds, all birds have feathers and beaks, lay eggs, are endothermic, have a complete digestive system, circulatory system, a four-chambered heart, and lung respiration. Birds do, however, have some characteristics that are worth mentioning and help to differentiate them from other birds. Are they:
Birds have the ability to sing, that is, they are songbirds;
Birds have anisodactyl foot, that is, they have three forward-facing fingers and a backward-facing toe;
Birds do not have a membrane at the base of their beak.
the birds present dietsvaried and are found with wide distribution around the planet. Although many authors claim that birds are small in size, this feature can be confusing. This is because other birds are small in size, but they are not birds.
→ bird names
The tanager is a bird and also a bird.
Below we will list the names of some birds:
Black anambe
Black hat-tail scale
I saw you
blue jay
Rufous Hornero
little monkey
Black bird
Out-seven colors
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Source: Brazil School -