Five tips on using the backbone

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You also have many questions when it comes to the use of backstroke? Know that you are not alone, the job of grave accent it is a mystery to most of those who need to transfer their ideas to paper. But how to avoid linguistic deviations and use the bass accent properly? To help you with this issue, the Brazil Schoolhas prepared a Portuguese tip for you to consult whenever necessary, thus avoiding grammatical mistakes and transgressions of the cultured norm. Come on?

Before we talk about the tips on using the backtack, it is important that you know that the word crase means “fusion”. Crasis is not the name of the accent, which should actually be called grave accent, but rather of the phenomenon that happens every time the preposition “a” meets the article “a”. Now that you know, let's get to the tips!

Five tips on using the back letter

1. The crasis should be used only in front of feminine words: As it is a fusion of the preposition “a” with the article “a”, the crase should only appear before feminine words. If you are still in doubt, just replace the word feminine with a masculine one. If the "a" in question becomes "ao", it should receive the grave accent:

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I went to the market to buy fruits and vegetables.

Replace the word "fair" with the word "supermarket":

I went to supermarket to buy fruits and vegetables.

2. The backquote must be used in expressions that indicate time: The crasis occurs in the phrases indicative of hours, for example, "at three o'clock", "The class will start at 7 am", "Was at school at 1 pm", as the preposition "a" occurs before the article that determines the hours. However, it is necessary to pay attention to constructions in which the hours are preceded by prepositions other than “a”, but which are equivalent. In these cases, of course, there will be no use of the grave accent. Look at the examples:

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She was waiting in line at the bank since at 2 pm.

The appointment was scheduled for at 3pm.

I will get home until at 9 pm.

3. The backquote should be used in the expressions "in the manner of" and "as": Sometimes the expression “in the fashion of” is not explicit in the sentence, but the crase should still be used, even if the subsequent term is a masculine word. Look at the examples:

He bought shoes from Louis XV. = He bought Louis XV fashion shoes.

The player made a bid to Garrincha. = The player made a move in Garrincha fashion.

As time passes, we get older.

4. The crasis never comes before male words: The accent indicating a crase never comes before a masculine noun. Look at the examples:

I spoke The respect from you to my boss.

He came The walk to the south side.

the defendant was The popular jury.

We went The aboard an old aircraft.

The patient underwent surgery The laser.

5. The crasis and relative pronouns: In order to better understand the use of the crasis with relative pronouns, let's divide them into two different groups. Watch:

The) that, who, whose, whose, whose, whose: Before these relative pronouns, never use the grave accent indicative of crasis, even because these pronouns do not admit an article. Watch:

The child, to whom we helped, returned home safe and sound.

B) Which, which: These do admit crasis, even because they accept the use of the article when governed by a verb that requires the preposition “a”. Watch:

are guidelines which students and teachers must follow.

Good studies!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "Five tips on using the backtape"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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