Ministry of Education wants to reform secondary education in 2016

In an interview after the opening of the seminar “Paths to the quality of public education: impacts and evidence”, held yesterday, 15th In September, in São Paulo, the Minister of Education, Mendonça Filho, stated that the government intends to approve the Education Reform by the end of the year. Medium. The reformulation is seen as a priority for the Ministry of Education (MEC).

The MEC's ​​intention is to approve the reform next week, through a Provisional Measure (MP) to be edited by President Michel Temer. Initially, the idea was to approve the reform through Congress, but as the parliament's priority at the moment is to approve measures related to the economy, the MEC should opt for the MP.


The Secondary Education Reform is mainly aimed at reducing and making subjects more flexible, in addition to improving the connection between secondary and technical education. The proposal, whose initial text belongs to deputy Reginaldo Lopes (PT-MG), also establishes full-time education.

Under the proposal, the student has to choose one of the major areas in high school (Exact Sciences, Human Sciences and Biological Sciences), similar to what happens in countries like the United States and China. This does not mean that a student who chooses Exact Science, for example, will only have Mathematics and Physics classes. The other subjects will continue to be taught, but with less depth.

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According to the Minister of Education, "it doesn't make sense that the young person who wants to enter a course related to the humanities has the same curricular base as the young person who goes into the exact sciences". Mendonça Filho also considers the number of 13 mandatory subjects that make up the curriculum currently high.

With the reform, the MEC also wants to bring secondary education closer to technicians, as happens in federal institutes and centers. “The vast majority of secondary education networks are absolutely separate from technical education. We have to get closer to offer this opportunity to young people as well”, said the minister.

And either

The Ministry of Education does not foresee reforms in the National Secondary Education Examination (And either) This year, however, the president of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), Maria Inês Fini, has already made statements that indicate changes in 2017. Maria Inês wants the Enem to be seen more as a performance qualification exam, as in the beginning, and not just as a university selection exam.

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