List of some synthetic absolute superlatives

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question 1

(TRT-FJ) The superlative form is incorrect in the sentence of the following alternative:

a) We ate so little that we stayed very thin.

b) Everyone considered him very wise.

c) he was a compulsive reader, most voracious.

d) After the publication of the novel was celebrated.

e) After the coup, he became a dictator most cruel.

question 2

From the following sentences, after reading and analyzing them, look for rewrite them,replacing the highlighted adjective with the corresponding synthetic absolute superlative:

a- This friend of ours has a way superfragile, because she gets bored with almost everything.

b- She always showed herself ultravulnerable.

c- On the day of the commemoration, the trainees' attire will have to be hyper exquisite.

d- Both the going and the return were done in a way super fast.

e- The autograph night had the participation of artists hypercelebrated.

f- Last night I was stricken with pain hyperacute in the arms.

g- The place we travel to is a region super cold.

h- It's about a friend superlovable that I will never forget.

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