The word how and its morphological classifications

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When we study about the morphological classes, that is, the grammatical classes to which certain words belong, we learn that the term "like" belongs to pronouns and conjunctions.

However, when we carefully conduct a study on it, we conclude that it is a multiple element in relation to the positions it occupies. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the contextual meaning is a preponderant factor in this occurrence.

just like the words "what" and "if", the referred term also performs diversified morphological classifications in view of the context in which it is inserted.

Therefore, in order to increasingly improve our linguistic profile, we will emphasize the cases of higher incidence based on the particularities to which they refer:

Occurs when it appears preceded by a determinant or by specifying another term:

Today we will study about how.
In this sentence, what is the conjunction or pronoun like?


When he expresses amazement, admiration. It is usually followed by a strong pause:

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Like! We hadn't agreed that you would come?!


When postponed to it, it is possible to imply the nominal form characterized by the gerund of the verb to be (being), or there is the possibility of being replaced by the expression “in the quality of”.
In this case, the word as always introduces a predicative into the sentence.

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This student conceived as (being) gifted.
During the event, the employee served as a receptionist. (in quality of)


It is related to a verb or an adjective, expressing circumstance of intensity or mood. Syntactically exercising the adverbial adjunct function of intensity or mode.

How elegant you look! Equivalent to an adverb of intensity.
How can you be so dynamic? Refers to an adverb so.


It introduces an adverbial subordinate clause, which can be classified by reference to the following adverbial circumstances:

* Causal amounts to why, since, since.

As he was not invited, he chose not to attend the birthday.

* Conformative – When replaceable by conforming, second.

As we had informed, the show had to be canceled due to weather conditions.

* Comparative – It is replaceable by as such, representing the second element of a comparison.

He is affectionate like you.

Relative pronoun

Exercising the syntactic function of an adverbial adjunct in a manner, it is always preceded by a noun and is equivalent to with (a) which, by which, by which, and other variations.

The way you introduced yourself made a good impression.
This is how I will solve the problem.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Grammar - Brazil School

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "The word how and its morphological classifications"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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