Tics in the context of ead: limits and possibilities

Given the transformations that have been taking place in our society, we can consider that we are living in times of discussion that allow us to reflect on information and communication technologies in the context of Distance Education (EAD).
The current society characterized by selectivity and dualism can restrict distance education in several points, which by specific legislation, we can understand it as a means of inclusion, in which it aims, from an interactive space, to exchange knowledge in which competences that can guarantee the formation of an active citizen in the present should be enhanced. society.
The appropriation of media and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's), in the EAD scenario, reframes the concept of knowledge. It is through technological tools, from active mediations that potentialities emerge, time and space are no longer problems, providing an education without distance, without time, leading the educational system to assume a role, not only in the formation of citizens belonging to that space, but in a space of inclusive formation in a society of differences.

In this understanding, new technologies and teaching techniques, as well as modern studies on the processes of learning, provide more effective resources to serve and motivate those involved in the teaching-learning. However, for many educators, these resources still present themselves as strange companions, although it is recognized that their use in the process is becoming increasingly relevant. Thus, the presence of these resources in teacher training courses and/or as a pedagogical means for enhancing skills and abilities is necessary.
The current EAD scenario has been undergoing transformations from a context of changing values, in which cultural diversity is present, having a greater meaning in its contextualization, of knowledge and knowledge, assuming an important role in the current society, in which globalization generates a need for communication and information without borders.
In EAD, the importance of open planning to cooperative mediations, with a flexible character, becomes pertinent from a new conception of pedagogical practice, committed to a space for exchange, in which the autonomy of knowledge construction assumes a role significant with regard to a consistent educational process concerned with the performance of an individual, totally, critical-reflective.
Given this reality, we must make the appropriation of ICTs so that they add to the studies covered so far in the process. pedagogical, providing learners with responsible freedom in the use of media, implying increased autonomy and responsibility, in the development of new skills and in the effective interactions with the group itself and with the people of others social and cultural media.
The media appear as mediators, taking on the role of information and communication. In the school space, his contribution is relevant to the point of providing a necessary interrelation for the formation of a holistic view of the present problem. The diversities that will appear will promote a perception beyond what is imposed on us, in its entirety will form a moment of acceptance or not from different cultures, in which equality as a right and prejudice as a negative point that denounces a society should emerge. dualist.
Given this reality, the concept of teaching resources takes on a new role in the face of the emergence of technological means applied to education based on planned pedagogical practice. In reality, the idea of ​​making use of ICTs is broader. The use of educational media worked in an integrated way guides the inclusion of the subjects involved in the current scenario, technological society, in addition to enabling the training process in the modality to distance.
Access to the means available in the distance learning space must have as a principle the effective performance of the subject involved in the process of teaching-learning considering the technological resources used as a means of training for the construction of a subject's knowledge social, committed to the process, that is, protagonist of their own journey in search of learning, giving meaning to the constructed knowledge.
ICT's provide new languages ​​in the educational space, in which intentionality has a meaning in terms of its potential. It is noteworthy that they offer facilitating means, which must be interconnected, otherwise they do not will guarantee a dialectical posture in the process of building a praxis committed to a new landscape formative.
Thus, according to the constructivist perspective of learning, it is possible to build knowledge based on what we already know and what we are capable of doing, using the resources of the new technologies. We then suggest reflections on information technologies as a means of stimulating learning. What is the impact of using ICTs on the learning process? How to encourage the production of teaching material to introduce into learning through the use of ICT tools? What are the complicating and stimulating factors for the use of ICT in learning? Which ICT tools can be more easily used for the dynamic learning process?

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Per Rodiney Marcelo
Columnist Brazil School

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