Tourism geography. tourism expansion

International travel, for some time, served only a limited portion of the world population, those with high purchasing power, in the However, currently the tourism industry has produced an extraordinary volume of money, all countries have adopted policies aimed at tourism.
Tourism has expanded for several reasons, but certainly what boosted this activity was the development of transport (rail, road, waterway, sea and air) and telecommunications (telephone, internet, cell phone, etc.), as these facilitate communication between companies working in this area. branch. Today there is a large international flow of tourists who spend and consume, further increasing the activity.
The tourist industry modifies the geographic space, because to serve the tourist it is necessary to create infrastructure and direct specialized labor, but It is important to highlight that tourism plays an important role in tourist cities, as the characteristics and identity of the place are preserved.
The countries that receive the largest flow of tourists are the United States and the European Union.

Europeans are the ones who carry out more tourist trips, followed by Americans and Canadians.
But it is worth noting that this is a reality experienced by middle and upper class people, who represent the minority of the world population. Most, those with low purchasing power, do not expect to undertake such trips.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

See too:
- cities in Brazil - History, Landmarks, Hotels and Restaurants.

General geography - geography - Brazil School

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Tourism geography"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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