Astronomy Olympiad 2017 welcomes entries until April 2nd

Registration for the 2017 Brazilian Astronomy Olympiad (OBA) is open until April 2nd. Elementary and high school students from public and private schools can participate. Applications must be made by the schools at no cost.

Register your school here

Students will be divided into four levels, according to education:

Level 1: students from 1st to 3rd year of elementary school;
Level 2: 4th and 5th year students of elementary school;
Level 3: students from 6th to 9th grade of elementary school;
Level 4: high school students.

The Olympiad is disputed in a single stage, with a test applied in schools on May 19th. The test will consist of 7 Astronomy questions and 3 Astronautics questions, lasting two hours for levels 1, 2 and 3 and four hours for participants in the last level.

Last year, more than 744,000 students from 7,915 schools across the country participated in the OBA. In 20 editions, the Olympiad has already surpassed the mark of 8 million participating students.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)


All OBA 2017 participants will receive certificates at the end of the year. The best placed will receive gold, silver and bronze medals, according to performance. Altogether, 40 thousand medals will be distributed among all levels.

The best performing students will also represent Brazil at the Latin American Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiad and at the 2018 International Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad.


This year's edition of the OBA received R$ 420,000 from the Federal Government, through the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). The value is considered insufficient to cover the medal courses, certificates and promotional material. Two years ago, for example, the Olympics received R$ 820,000.

Because of the budget cut, the organizers of the OBA reduced the number of medals by 5,000, cut the dissemination through printed material and will not be able to pay for the best placed to go to the Olympics international. If they want to participate, the winners will have to bear the cost of the trip.

More information at 2017 OBA Regulation.

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