Encceja 2018: More than 1 million people have already registered for the exam

The National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (National Encceja) 2018 reached 1,021,233 registrations this Tuesday, April 24th. Of the registered number, 196,435 enrolled are for elementary school and 824,798 for high school. Registration ends at 23:59 on April 27th.

Register for Encceja 2018

In the last edition, the exam registered 1.5 million subscribers. It was in 2017 that the test was once again applied for high school certification, which generated greater adherence by the population.

A new feature of Encceja 2018 is that those who took the exam last year and achieved the required score in one or more subjects, but not in all, you will see only those that are missing for certification at the time of the subscription.

The Encceja

Persons aged 15 years up to the exam can apply for the Encceja in elementary school. For high school certification, the minimum age is 18 years.

Encceja will be applied on August 5th. Elementary school exam participants will have tests in Natural Sciences, History, Geography, Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education, Mathematics, in addition to Essay.

For high school, the tests will be Nature Sciences and its Technologies and Human Sciences and its Technologies, Languages ​​and Codes and its Technologies and Mathematics and its Technologies and a Essay.

You must earn at least 100 points in each objective discipline for certification. In writing, the minimum grade required is 5 points.

The result is expected for the last quarter of 2018. Certification is carried out by Education Departments and institutions associated with Encceja.

Brazilians Abroad

Encceja will be applied to Brazilians who are abroad on September 16th. The composition will be the same as Encceja Nacional.

deprived of liberty

The Privados de Liberdade has two editions of Encceja: National and Foreign. Those who live in another country will take the tests between September 17th and 21st. For inmates who are in Brazil, the exam will take place on the following 18th and 19th.

Enrollments for the Prisoners of Liberty are made by the pedagogical coordinators of the prison and socio-educational units. Participants take the exam in the places where they are serving time.

More information at Encceja's notice.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/noticias/encceja-2018-mais-1-milhao-pessoas-ja-se-inscreveram-no-exame/3123743.html

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