Resolving some linguistic doubts

Cast the first stone for those who have never felt affected by some linguistic doubts, related to spelling, conducting, agreement, among other aspects. As users, such an occurrence tends to be relatively normal, which is not to say that we don't need to constantly improve.
As we develop this skill, especially through familiarity with writing and reading, we are learning and, consequently, internalizing all the peculiarities guided by grammatical facts. Not to mention that another benefit also reveals its preponderant aspect – the lexical improvement, the molding of our vocabulary, which becomes more and more fluent and more refined.
Based on all these assumptions, this section is intended to offer you, the user, some tips regarding the use of certain expressions, recurring, by the way, in order to make you well aware. This is what we will see below:
How should we say: cylinder or bottle?
Stopper is derived from French bouchon, which represents a bushing used to plug holes.
Therefore, when referring to that container used to store flammable products, prefer to say canister.

Are or holy?
Why do we sometimes say Santo Amaro, and in some circumstances we say São Paulo?
Everything depends on the letter that starts the name of the saint, that is: if it is a vowel, we must use saint; and if it is consonant, they are.
However, there are exceptions, such as: Santo Domingo, Santo Toribio, Santo Tomás de Aquino…

The glasses or the glasses?
It is correct to say the glasses, in the plural. As well as this case, there are many other words that we should use only in the plural, such as congratulations, condolences, nuptials, among others.
Browse this section and improve your knowledge!

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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