Cirrhosis. General aspects of liver cirrhosis

O liver it is one of the largest organs in the human body and weighs around 1.5 kg. He performs several functions, highlighting the production of bile and the elimination of substances, such as alcohol and medications. Due to the great importance of this organ, some changes in its structure can cause serious problems. This is the case with cirrhosis.

THE hepatical cirrhosis is a chronic-degenerative disease in which the liver starts to present a fibrous tissue replacing normal and functional tissue. This fibrosis, which resembles scars, leads to decreased liver function, which ends up putting the patient's life at risk. When looking at a liver with this disease, one no longer notices a smooth surface, but an irregular one. Furthermore, there is a change in its consistency, which becomes quite hard.

THE liver cirrhosis has many causes, the best known being the excessive consumption of alcohol. However, people who drink do not always develop the disease, and other factors such as sex, the amount of drink consumed daily and infections such as hepatitis and AIDS are important. In our country, the

alcoholism it accounts for 50% of cirrhosis cases. It is worth noting that Hepatitis B, Ç and D, tumors, autoimmune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, drug toxicity and some parasites can also trigger the disease.

Usually the patient with liver cirrhosis is asymptomatic. Thus, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, the case is already advanced. Like symptoms and main signs of cirrhosis liver, we can mention jaundice, in which the skin and mucous membranes become yellowish, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen region (ascites), digestive bleeding, nutritional deficiency and weight loss, anorexia, vomiting, sleep disorders, among others. In severe cases, liver cancer can arise.

Note the difference between a normal and cirrhotic liver
Note the difference between a normal and cirrhotic liver

O diagnosis It is performed through the analysis of symptoms and tests such as ultrasound and liver scintigraphy. In addition, some laboratory tests can also be used. In most cases, patients with liver cirrhosis have elevated serum levels of liver transaminases and bilirubin and low levels of albumin.

There is no effective treatment for liver cirrhosis, what is normally done is to avoid the rapid progression of the disease and try to improve the patient's quality of life. The main point for improving the situation is changing eating habits and ending alcohol consumption. In more severe cases, liver transplantation is necessary, which is successful in approximately 80% of cases.

Although the liver has a great capacity for regeneration, liver cirrhosis is usually irreversible and can lead to death from liver failure. Therefore, It is important to pay attention to alcohol consumption, prevent against viral hepatitis and properly treat any disease that affects this organ.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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