What is prayer without a subject?

We know that the essential terms of a prayer are the subject it's the predicate. However, there is prayers that present impersonal verbs, that is, that not refer to a person of speech and, therefore, not admit subject.

Note some examples of subjectless prayer:

  • Snowedquite a lot in Santiago.

  • There is a lot of people in this room.

  • Rained all day yesterday.

You verbs red underlines are examples of impersonal verbs, since they don't have their number-person flexion determined by a specific term of the sentence. Note that the message focuses on verbal action, which is not attributed to any being (subject).

Note some common cases of subjectless prayers in the Portuguese language:

1) Verbs that indicate natural phenomena (intransitive verbs): rain, lightning, snow, thunder, dawn, dusk, among others.


  • it rains a lot in the Northeast at this time of year.

  • On here nightfall always at 6pm.

  • Snowedenough this morning.

2) verbs to be, to be, to do, to bewhen they are related to nature phenomena or with temporal expressions.


  • É too soon or too late?

  • He doessix months I haven't seen him.

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  • it is nightfall.

  • There is two years it does not rain in this region.

Verbal agreement in subjectless sentences

As you could see, the impersonal verbs allow the existence of subjectless prayers. However, it is necessary that we have a lot of attention to carry out the process of verbal agreement, which is required according to the Portuguese language grammar. See the verb agreement be when this has the sense of "exist”:

  • There is people who never learn their lesson.

  • There were120 people conformed to the event.

  • the police said that there was many similar cases this week.

Note that as there is no subject in prayers, the impersonal verbbe” must remain in the third person singular.


Remember that, unlike the verb “be", the verb "exist" it's personal. This means that, when using it, we must perform the agreement with the subject what do you mean. Look at the example:

  • There is Many animals in the zoo.

  • They exist Many animals in the zoo.

By Ma. Luciana Kuchenbecker Araújo

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ARAúJO, Luciana Kuchenbecker. "What is prayer without a subject?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-oracao-sem-sujeito.htm. Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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