American bills and coins. American banknotes and coins

You can find US coins from:

1 (one) cent = 1 cent
5 (five) cents = 5 cents
10 (ten) cents = 10 cents
25 (twenty-five) cents = 25 cents
50 (fifty) cents = 50 cents
1 (one) dollar = 1 dollar

Remember that American coins have a name. For example:

1) the penny is also known as “the penny”.

american penny

Ex.: Can you lend me 2 pennies? (Can you lend me 2 cents?)

2) the 5 cent coin is also known as “the nickel”.

five cent american coin

Ex.: How much is this candy? (How much does this bullet cost?)
it is a nickel. (It's five cents).

3) the 10 cent coin is also known as “the dime”.

american ten cent coin

Ex.: Here is your change. the dimension. (Here is your change. Ten cents).

4) and the 25 cent coin is also known as “a quarter”.

American twenty-five cent coin

Ex.: I need two quarters. Can you lend me until tomorrow? (I need 50 cents/two quarters. Can you lend me until tomorrow?)

Thus, it is important to know the names of the coins, as we can see in the illustrations above, on the 10 and 25 cent coins the value itself does not appear, but only the names: "one dimension" and "quarter dolhome".

50 cent coins, as well as 1 dollar coins, are very rare in the United States, and they can be called “50 (fifty) cents” or “half dollar coin” and the 1 dollar of “the dollar coin”.

As for American banknotes (bills), you can find them in the values ​​of:

1 (one) dollar bill - 1

American one dollar bill

2 (two) dollar bill - 2 dollars

US two dollar bill

5 (five) dollar bill - 5

American five dollar bill

10 (ten) dollar bill - 10 dollars

US ten dollar bill

20 (twenty) dollar bill - 20 dollars

US twenty dollar bill

50 (fifty) dollar bill – 50 dollars (also known as “a nifty”)

American fifty dollar bill

100 (a hundred) dollar bill – $100 (also known as “a sleeve”)

american hundred dollar bill

Layssa Gabriela Almeida e Silva
Brazil School Collaborator
Degree in Languages ​​- English from the State University of Goiás - UEG
Improvement course in English at Zoni Language Centers - USA - USA

English - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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