Eight superstitions for a Friday the 13th!

For mystics, the combination of Friday with the day 13 not very nice. It is not possible to say for sure whether the origin of this taboo is personal, religious or cultural, but regardless, it is a superstition that is part of popular tradition and folklore.

Even with the probable origin in the United States or in European countries, the fear of Friday 13 it is already well incorporated into Brazilian culture. Out of fear of the date, some people form habits to avoid bad luck during the day. Coarse salt, rue, horseshoe and four-leaf clover are just a few objects that the most superstitious carry around to attract luck, especially during this day.

If you don't have much affinity for Friday the 13th either, it's good to pay attention to the list we've prepared. Here are eight habits that can help you overcome fear and, according to popular wisdom, bring success to the activities of the day.

1. get off the bed with the right foot

It's good to get out of bed on the right foot on Friday the 13th

According to an ancient Roman custom, the right and left sides symbolize good and evil respectively. Therefore, when waking up, some people worry about putting it first the right foot on the ground, they prioritize the right shoes when putting them on and enter places stepping first with the right foot.

Another superstition is also found in bed, because for some people you have to lie down and get up on the same side. There is a tradition that bad moods are linked to waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

2. do not look at black cat

The cats' nocturnal habits associated the animal with the devil, with whom cats would have a pact. In addition, the black color of animals resembles darkness, so, according to superstitious people, it does not bring good energy. On Friday the 13th and other days as well, the most superstitious turn their backs on black cats to prevent these animals from passing in front or crossing the path.

Importantly, the black cat's relationship with bad luck is just a superstition. Animals must not be mistreated in any situation. Cats can be great companions and bring joy into the home.

3. watch the mirror

According to the superstitious, breaking a mirror can attract 7 years of bad luck

There are a number of precautions that are recommended with the mirror. The fact of going broke, for example, can attract seven years of bad luck according to popular tradition. Looking in a broken mirror can also be bad luck. Especially on Friday the 13th, it is advised that they are covered with cloth, because, according to the mystics, death could be seen in the reflection of the mirror.

4. do not go under the stairs

Do you want fame and prosperity? So no going under a ladder

The ladder is a symbol of ascent, social access, elevation. Going under it, according to the superstitious, can represent the renunciation of it and distance from what makes it grow. In this way, this act can attract bad luck to the person who commits it.

5. Do not open an umbrella indoors

Opening an umbrella indoors is not well regarded by mystics

Walking around with an open umbrella in some places is bad luck, that's what an old superstition says. However, for some scholars, the custom must have emerged from a very practical tip, since it is difficult to walk with an open object indoors, for example.

6. Do not serve meals to 13 people

The number 13, for the mystics, recalls the number of people who were with Jesus at the last supper, with Judas, the traitor, being the last to arrive. Thus, the recommendation is that meals be served to 12 or 14 people to avoid betrayals. Another tradition says that if thirteen are at the table, the first to rise will be the first to die.

7. Do not drop the comb or brush

Another custom that day is to prevent the brush or comb from falling out while grooming your hair. This can be a sign of annoyance any day of the year, so on a Friday the 13th, it's best to be more careful not to.

8. When in doubt, tap the wood three times

Hitting wood three times can ward off bad luck

The origin of this gesture is unknown, but some people have the habit of tapping wood three times to ward off bad luck. One of the theories refers to wood as the material from which the cross on which Jesus was crucified was made, so touching wood is a means of invoking God's protection.
by Rafael Batista
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/sete-supersticoes-para-uma-sexta-feira-13.htm

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