What is Mechanics?

THE mechanics it's the branch of physics responsible for the study of movements. This area can explain everything from the movement of people and cars to the movement of planets around the Sun.

When speeds are relatively small compared to speed of light, Mechanics is called Newtonian. For elements that move at speeds close to or equal to the speed of light, mechanics is called relativistic.

The study of Mechanics is divided into kinematics and Dynamics.

  • kinematics

Kinematics is the part of Mechanics that makes a mathematical analysis of movements, showing equations and graphs that can express and differentiate between them. Kinematics is not concerned with the causes of movements, but only in analyzing the movement itself, understanding it and proposing mathematical patterns.

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Within Kinematics, studies related to constant velocity movements stand out (uniform movements), you uniformly varied movements, where there is acceleration, and the circular movements.

  • Dynamics

Dynamics is the part of Mechanics that analyzes the causes that give rise to movements. As movement is originated by forces, we can say that Dynamics is the study of forces. Within this study, the Newton's laws and their applications, the study of energy and the impulse and the amount of movement.

Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein deserve to be highlighted for having made precious contributions from their studies and experiences.

By Joab Silas
Graduated in Physics

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JUNIOR, Joab Silas da Silva. "What is Mechanics?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/fisica/o-que-e-mecanica.htm. Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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