September 3 – Civil Guard Day

In Brazil, since 1966, on the day September 3rd, is celebrated the Day of the Civil Guard. This date has the function of honoring professionals in this area, who collaborate with the maintenance of security and public order in the municipal sphere. The history of the civil guard in Brazil goes back to the history of the emergence of police force institutions in our country.

One of the first police institutions that is known in Brazil is the Regular Cavalry Regiment of the Captaincy of Minas Gerais, created on June 9, 1775. The ensign Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, the Tiradentes, one of the leaders of InconfidenceMineira. This regiment constituted a branch of the Portuguese royal army in Brazil, and its members were also known as the “Dragões de Minas”. In addition to its military function, this regiment also performed the function of guard with a view to ensuring the public order of the Captaincy.

In the 19th century, with the arrival of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil and the elevation of the then colony to the rank of

KingdomUnited, along with Portugal and the Algarves, there were decisive changes in the structure of military and police institutions in Brazil. On May 13, 1809, King Dom João VI, who had already settled in Rio de Janeiro, created the Military Division of the Royal Police Guard. This division constituted the first body really dedicated to public security, in the strict sense.

In the 1820s, with the Independence and institution of the Empire, there was the creation of the imperial army and police forces linked to it. at the time of Provisional Three-fold Regency, in the year 1831, for each District of Peace that existed, a GuardMunicipal, which, in turn, was divided into squads that covered certain perimeters in the most populous municipalities.

From the republican phase onwards, the roles of the municipal guards became increasingly well defined, with their own statutes and regiments. In addition, their relationship with military institutions was also being refined. During the term of the first president of the military regime established in 1964, Castelo Branco, the Civil Guard day was granted by law No. 5. 088, of August 30, 1966. Since then, September 3rd has been dedicated to this professional.

Currently, civil guards have their legitimacy ensured by Article 144 of the ConstitutionBrazilian of 1988, specifically in his paragraph 8: Municipalities may set up municipal guards for the protection of their goods, services and facilities, as provided for by law.
By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

Source: Brazil School -

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