Peculiarities of the verb remember. Peculiarities are important in use

Peculiarities are marks, characteristic features, which refer to something or someone. And when this subject is related to verbs, we realize that the adjustment takes place even more effectively, since that such a class is guided by a significant complexity with regard to several aspects, including the regency.

This rule is demarcated by the relationship established between the verb and its respective complements, taking into account the context in which this verb is inserted. Thus, exactly depending on this context, we will verify the presence or not of the preposition, that is, whether direct or indirect transitives.

Given this reality, we chose, therefore, the verb to remember - representing the fact in question. After all, we make use of it on a daily basis, and there is nothing better than being aware of the points that demarcate it. Based on this principle, let's see:

In the sense of coming to memory, now configuring an extremely involuntary act on our part, many do not know, but the correct thing is to use the pronominal form. It is also important to know that this assumption also applies to the verb forget. Watch:

I do not me I remember visiting that place.
Never me I will forget the happy times we spent here.

We found that because it is a pronominal verb, the complement that refers to it is always governed by a preposition – a fact that makes it to be conceived as an indirect transitive. In the example in question, the prepositions are revealed by “de” and “dos”.

Such an occurrence can also be seen when the complement is demarcated by an infinitive verb, as in:

he didn't remember deliver the required documentation. (first conjugation)

Do not forget to bring the requested order. (second conjugation)

Let us now move on to other contexts, in which the verb in question will assume the condition of direct transitive, thus dispensing with the use of the preposition. Note:

that lady remembers an old teacher. (sense of being like someone)

everything here remembers my wife. (sense of bringing to memory the figure of someone)

Finally, it is important to remember that when the meaning refers to "inform", "warn" or "prevent", the construction will occur with the direct object of person (demarcated by the oblique pronouns o, a, as) and with the indirect object of subject (demarcated by the preposition in). So, nothing more convenient than expressing based on the example in evidence:

Remembered-Thethat she should attend the meeting.

Remember who? She the)
From what? That I should attend the meeting.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Verbal Regency - Grammar - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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