Itching. What is itching and what are its likely causes

The word itching, from latin pruritus, can be defined as an uncomfortable feeling in the skin that triggers the need to scratch. Popularly known as itch or itch, O itching it can have several causes, such as dry skin, insect bites, dermatoses, or even be the symptom of diseases such as cirrhosis, some types of cancer, chronic kidney disease, etc.

Experts rate the itching in:

- Dermatological itching:caused by eczema, psoriasis etc.;

- Systemic pruritus:caused by neoplasms and metabolic diseases;

- Neurogenic pruritus: originated in the central and/or peripheral nervous system;

- Neuropathic pruritus: arise in nerve fiber diseases such as chickenpox, multiple sclerosis, herpes zoster, etc.;

 - Psychogenic or somatoform itching:type of pruritus that has no physical cause.

At causes of itching they are discovered by the dermatologist based on the patient's history and detailed physical and dermatological examinations.

In some people, the consumption of medication, food, cold, heat, sweat, etc., or even some diseases such as diabetes, intoxication, thyroid disease, among others, can cause itching. On the other hand, other people may experience itching only in a specific region of the body, such as the anal region, the vulva, etc. In these cases, itching can be caused by several factors such as allergy to toilet paper, poor hygiene, intestinal parasites, clothing that is too tight, etc.

O treatment for any typeof itching it should be done after a careful investigation by the doctor to try to find out what is causing the person to experience itching in that region of the body.

by Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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