Discriminate or discriminate: when to use each?

The verbs "to discriminate" and "to discriminate" are written in almost the same way, which raises doubts about orthography. However, one letter makes all the difference between these two. verbs, as mean different things.

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What is “to discriminate”?

The verb “to discriminate” is very connected to the legal area. It is composed of the prefix “des” (which indicates negation) and the verb “criminar” (to make a crime). So, "to discriminate" is remove guilt or criminality of something or someone. This verb is not governed by preposition.

  • The jury discriminated the defendant.
  • In Brazil, this is still considered a crime. In Uruguay, this was discriminated a few years ago.
  • Apparently, the government will discriminate that action.
Because they are very similar in writing and pronunciation, the verbs “to discriminate” and “to discriminate” generate many doubts.
Because they are very similar in writing and pronunciation, the verbs “to discriminate” and “to discriminate” generate many doubts.
  • Synonyms for "decriminate"

In Brazil, the verb “to discriminate” is little used, and its synonyms are more common:

  • decriminalize;
  • absolve;
  • hold harmless;
  • to forgive.

What is “to discriminate”?

The verb "to discriminate" can mean "to separate", "to differentiate", "to list" or "to sort", especially when it comes to documents, files, among other things that can be classified or organized. It can also mean "treat differently, unequally" (It often means that such unequal treatment is unfair or prejudiced). This verb is not governed by preposition.

  • I need you to discriminate documents and drafts in this pile of papers.
  • She had this bad habit of discriminate anyone who wasn't like her.
  • The bill will discriminate the goods sold.

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  • Synonyms of discriminating:
  • break apart;
  • discern;
  • to rank;
  • differentiate;
  • isolate;
  • marginalize;
  • to put away;
  • treat unfairly.
“Decriminalize” is synonymous with “decriminalize” and “absolve”.
“Decriminalize” is synonymous with “decriminalize” and “absolve”.

“Discriminating” is synonymous with “discerning” and “separating”.


  • the accused was discriminated for having acted in self-defense. (notified)
  • The practice of adultery was discriminated long time. (decriminalized)
  • we feel broken down by him. (treated unequally)
  • In the report, the respective values ​​were broken down. (separated)

By Guilherme Viana
grammar teacher

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/descriminar-ou-discriminar.htm

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