Signs. Signs: English signposts

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dead end - Street without exit

If you are on a street and see a sign of dead end it indicates that the street ends with no exit. (If you are on a street and you see a “Dead end” sign, it indicates that the street ends with no exit).

yield – Give preference

You have to let the other vehicles that are on the main road go first. (You must let other vehicles that are on a main road pass first).

No Parking - No Parking

If you see a sign like this it indicates that you cannot park your car. (If you see a sign like this, it indicates that you cannot park your car).

school crossing – School ticket

If you see a school crossing you must stop, because students have to cross the street at this location. (If you see a school crossing you must stop as students have to cross the street there).

do not enter - Do not enter

You are not allowed to enter some place. (You are not allowed to enter a place).

railroad crossing – Rail crossing

You must pay a lot of attention if you pass near a railroad crossing. You have to stop, listen and look. If you don’t see or hear any train coming this indicates that you can pass

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. (You should pay close attention if you pass near a railroad crossing. You must stop, listen and look. If you don't see or hear any trains coming, that indicates you can pass).

Wet Floor – wet floor

You can see this sign every time that someone is cleaning an ambient. They generally put this sign to ask your attention. You must walk carefully and you can never run, because you can slip and fall. (You can see this sign whenever someone is cleaning a room. They often put it on to get your attention. You must walk carefully and must never run, as you may slip and fall).

Layssa Gabriela Almeida e Silva
Brazil School Collaborator
Degree in Languages ​​- English from the State University of Goiás - UEG
Improvement course in English at Zoni Language Centers - USA - USA

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