THE READ (repetitive strain injury) is designed to define any and all injuries caused by repetitive movements, such as typing, bad posture, playing the piano, driving, some physical activities that require a lot of effort, crochet, among many others. THE READ covers a group of diseases that affect mainly the muscles, nerves and tendons, causing irritation and inflammation due to the overload of the musculoskeletal system.
There are several causes that lead a person to present READ, among them we can mention:
* Repetition of movements;
* Improper posture for a long period of time;
* Work activities that require excessive hand strength;
* Sports activities that demand great effort from the upper limbs;
* Intense pace of work;
* Poorly designed and ergonomically wrong furniture;
* Physical effort;
* Static muscle work;
* Shocks and impacts;
* Perform the same task for a long time;
* Mechanical pressure on some regions of the body;
* Pressure in the work environment;
* Productivity billing;
* Poor division of tasks.
The first RSI symptom it is pain, followed by other symptoms such as tingling, numbness, insensitivity or lack of strength to hold objects. In more advanced stages of the READ, inflammation can become a degenerative process that affects nerves and blood vessels in a harmful way, causing deformities such as cysts, swelling, loss of potency, and the pain can become unbearable and routine tasks like brushing teeth and tying shoes become impractical.
There are many diseases caused by repetitive strain, including: tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis, bursitis, myalgia, pronator teres syndrome, among others.
O treatment for RSI it is made with anti-inflammatory drugs and an interdisciplinary team that involves a doctor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and acupuncturist. Experts recommend walking as a good ally to the treatment, as this activity stimulates the release of endorphins, responsible for pain relief and also for relaxing the body.
Correct posture in front of the computer
THE READ it is not considered a fatality, but an accident resulting from practices and habits that harm the body, and which can be avoided through some simple actions, such as:
- For people who work with repetitive activities, it is necessary that every 25 minutes there is a break of 5 minutes to rest, and every hour of work, get out of the chair and move;
- During the break time, do stretching exercises to keep the tissues irrigated;
- Drink water regularly throughout the day;
- Maintain proper posture, with your shoulders relaxed, leaning on the back of your chair, and your wrists straight;
- Keep the soles of your feet flat on the floor;
- Sit so that the chair seat and your back form a right angle;
- Use a chair that fits your desk so it fits you;
- If you work with computers, prefer the monitor to be at eye height, and at a distance equivalent to your arm's length;
- Strong air conditioning in the work environment affects circulation and may contribute to the occurrence of RSI;
- Prefer keyboards and mouse that have supporters, which prevent the obstruction of blood circulation.
Proper way of putting your hands on the keyboard when typing
by Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology