Mystery revealed: THIS is why Apple products start with the letter "i"

Although few know, the letter “i” in the initial part of Apple product names has a deeper meaning than one might imagine.

The creator of revolutionary items like iPhone and iPad made the choice to make an impact on consumers. This simple lyric reaches the public loaded with meaning and with the purpose of affecting them positively.

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Follow below for more details about the decision of the company founded by Steve Jobs to place the letter “i” at the beginning of the name of your products.

Why this letter?

The letter at the beginning of the name of its products was not the result of any arbitrary decision by Apple. This measure included the definition of the letter to indicate several other keywords about the brand's mission.

Some of them that fit the description given above and confirmed by the company are: “internet, instruct, inform, individual and inspire”. These are the main missions behind the company's launch of new technologies.

(Image: disclosure)

Apple continues, even with the absence of founder Steve Jobs, using lyrics as a way to promote personal empowerment.

According to the giant, its technologies would not just be everyday gadgets, but a way to stand out from the rest of the public.

The empire created by the company

After the success and revolution of the launch of the iPhone, the brand continued to grow and bring new features. In recent years, several products using the trademark with the letter “i” have emerged to increase the empowerment of their users.

Furthermore, one of Apple's main ideas is to make its technology stand out from others, bringing a unique experience to users. To achieve this, it offers its functionalities in a simple, effective and unique way with each launch.

Even after Steve Jobs passes away, the company continues to launch incredible new products that increasingly bring benefits to customers.

In this way, it manages to reinforce that the choice of the letter “i” should always generate a feeling of innovation for the technological market.

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