Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich von Zeppelin, Count

German military officer, aircraft designer and inventor born in Konstanz, Baden, creator of the airship disused airship, formed by a duralumin frame in the shape of a large cigar, the Zeppelin Airship (1898). He joined the Army (1858) and performed the first balloon flights while acting as a military observer in the American Civil War (1863) and served in the Austro-Prussian (1866) and Franco-Prussian (1870-1871) wars.
He made his first experience with balloons in the US while acting as a military observer and founded his first factory in Friedrichshafen. He retired from military life (1890) to devote himself to improving airships and manufacturing this model aircraft. After making his first successful flight (1900), he obtained support from the German government to form a fleet (1906). He built more than 100 airships at his factory in Friedrichshafen, which were initially used to transport passengers (1910) and for military operations including during World War I and died in Charlottenburg, Germany.

Figure copied from the UNIV website. TEXAS / PORTRAIT GALERY :
Source: http://www.dec.ufcg.edu.br/biografias/

Order F - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/ferdinand-adolf-august-heinrich-von-zeppelin.htm

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