What is dieresis?

Note the pronunciation of the word below:


There are two possibilities for the pronunciation of this word:

go - from - from


va - u - da - from

This is due to the existence of a vowel encounter between a vowel and a semivowel that together make up the same syllable, that is, they make up a DIPHTHONG in:


But sometimes this encounter can be pronounced as a GAP, transforming the semivowel i in a vowel that supports a different syllable:

vThe -i -of -of

Note that, in this change, the vowel “a” makes up one syllable, and the vowel “i” makes up another different syllable.

This phonological phenomenon is possible and receives a specific name in Portuguese, it is the DIERESIS. Thus, we can define that:

→ Dieresis it is the passage from a semivowel to a vowel, transforming a diphthong into a hiatus.


betrayal (diphthong)
trThe-i-tion (hiatus)

falls (diphthong)
çThe-i (gap)

sau-do-so (diphthong)
sThe-u-do-so (hiatus)

By Mariana Rigonatto
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-dierese.htm

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