5 tips from the movie O Senhor Intern

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O“The Mr. Intern” movie really is a life lesson, starting with the concept that the new job can be a big challenge, especially for someone retired. The 70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker is trying to get back into the workforce, taking advantage of the opportunity to become a senior intern on the fashion website of Jules Ostin, the head and founder from the company. A perfect movie script that brings important tips that we should evaluate in our life, but this is not just for older people, it sure works for young people who are struggling to get started. career.

In addition to this entire plot, the film also addresses the issue of women in leadership, the importance of coexistence between generations, empathy and working with people who inspire us and motivate us to go even further away. There are so many nice messages, but we selected some tips.

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1. leadership and responsibility

Jules is a leader who puts her leadership into action daily, motivating the team and literally supporting the operation. This style brings the concepts that led the company to the current level of success, but it suffers interference from the board so that a CEO is hired to take over the company as a whole. This challenge brings several feelings that directly confront the decision-making of leaders, with situations for or against their will.

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2. adaptation to the environment

When Ben is hired on the "seniors" internship program, it's noticeable, from the first moment, that it will be a great new challenge for his life. In his time, he assesses his goals, objectives and, through personal experience, understands that the biggest challenge is connecting with people. In short, his charisma grows when he understands the iimportance to support the next and not trying to be the most efficient in activities.

3. teamwork

It's a comedy scene, but it clearly shows the team's commitment to leadership. A group of collaborators goes to Jules' mother's house to prevent her from accessing the email that was sent by mistake. Apart from the "spoiler" and that this scene enhances the comic side of the movie, we have an example of how the leadership really is motivational and example for the team. Can all leaders direct their followers to do what is not their job?

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4. family and work

During the course of the story, there is an assessment of the leader, tired of so much work and having difficulties in maintaining the balance between family and profession. Today, this is one of the biggest problems faced by executives, that is, how to organize their time and quality of life in the most correct format for their responsibilities and goals.

5. do what you like

Both Jules and Ben stand out professionally during the film. Examples of dedication to work, relationships with other employees, understanding of the company's needs and a very strong partnership between both characters appear. But when we look at the whole movie, it's evident how much they are motivated by what they do and how they like what they believe. These differentials are very important to keep growing professionally and achieve differentiated results for your professional career.
By New Educa

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/clube-do-empreendedorismo/5-dicas-do-filme-o-senhor-estagiario.htm


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