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protection click fraud

Riddles or riddles traditionally start with the question "what is, what is???". They are part of popular literature and the...

Lock languages

Trava-Línguas are a type of parlenda, a play on words that is part of popular literature. The tongue twister is a difficult phrase to recite in...

Periodic table

The Periodic Table is a model that groups all known chemical elements and their properties. They are arranged in ascending order of...

General Knowledge Questions and Answers

General knowledge involves several subjects: mathematics, geography, history, Portuguese, science. If you want to know if you are up to...

Legends of Brazilian Folklore

The Folkloric Legends represent the set of stories and tales narrated by the people that are transmitted from generation to generation through...


Connectives are words or expressions that link sentences, periods, sentences, paragraphs, allowing the sequence of ideas. This role is...

The 10 Word Classes or Grammar Classes

There are ten word classes or grammatical classes: noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, article, numeral, preposition, conjunction,...

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Endangered Animals in Brazil

Brazil is considered one of the richest countries in biodiversity. However, there are animals present in Brazilian regions that can be...

Textual genres

Textual genres are classified according to the common characteristics that the texts have in relation to language and content. They exist...

Greek gods

The Greek Gods, worshiped by the ancient inhabitants of Greece, were represented in human form and symbolized human yearnings and fears.

Human Body Systems

The human body is formed by systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous, sensory, endocrine, excretory, urinary, reproductive,...

Simple Present

Simple Present Tense, also called Present Simple (simple present), is one of the verb tenses of English. It is equivalent to the gift of...

Digestive System, Digestive System

The Digestive System is also known as the Digestive System or Digestive System. It is formed by a set of organs that act in the body...


Volleyball or volleyball is a sport played between two teams on a rectangular court (open or closed). It is divided by a placed net...

Language Functions

Language functions are ways of using language according to the speaker's intention. They are classified into six types: function...

Figures of Language

Figures of Language, also called figures of style, are stylistic resources used to give greater emphasis to communication and make it...

Nervous system

The nervous system represents the body's communications network. It is formed by a set of organs of the human body that have the function of...

Narrative text

Narrative text is a type of text that outlines the actions of characters in a given time and space. It is usually written in prose and in it...

Simple Past

Simple Past, also called Past Simple (simple past), is one of the verb tenses of English. It is equivalent to the simple past in the language...

Opinion article

What is opinion article? The opinion article is a type of essay-argumentative text where the author presents his point of view on...

Black Consciousness

Black Consciousness is an expression that designates the historical and cultural perception that black people have of themselves. It also represents the struggle of...

text interpretation exercises

Text interpretation involves reading and understanding written texts. Check below 23 exercises on textual interpretation, from...

Brazilian Biomes

There are six major Brazilian biomes (continental). Biomes are sets of ecosystems (plant and animal) with biological diversity...


What is Noun? Noun is a class of words that names beings, objects, phenomena, places, qualities, actions, among others. They...

Cardiovascular system

The cardiovascular system or human circulatory system is responsible for circulating blood in order to transport nutrients and...

Essay Text

The Dissertation Text is a type of argumentative and opinionated text, as it exposes the opinion on a certain subject or theme, through a...

Social inequality

Social inequality, also called economic inequality, is a social problem present in every country in the world. It elapses,...

Circulatory system

The circulatory or cardiovascular system, formed by the heart and blood vessels, is responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen to...

Urinary system

The Urinary System or Urinary System is responsible for the production and elimination of urine, it has the function of filtering the "impurities" of the...

Respiratory system

The respiratory system is the set of organs responsible for the absorption of oxygen from the air by the body and the elimination of gas...

Writing Themes for Enem

Every year, the entrance exams and Enem address various topics of writing, especially current ones. Although it is not known exactly what will fall...

Regular and Irregular English Verbs

English verbs are classified as regular and irregular, depending on their conjugation. As a general rule, those who follow a...


What is chronic? The chronicle is a short textual genre written in prose, generally produced for the media, for example, newspapers,...

Use of Why, Why, Why and Why

In Portuguese, there are 4 types of whys (why, why, why and why) that are used as follows: Why: used in...

Bones of the Human Body

How many bones are there in the human body? There are 206 bones in the human body, divided into: head bones (skull and face) neck bones ear bones...


Handball (or handball) is a team sport that involves passing the ball with your hands. Practiced between two teams, the name of this modality...


Basketball, or simply basketball, is a team sport played between two teams. It is played with a ball, where the objective is to insert it...

Proverbs and Sayings

Proverbs and Sayings are short phrases that have the social function of advising and warning, while transmitting teachings. Some of them...

Endocrine System

The Endocrine System is the set of glands responsible for the production of hormones that are released into the blood and travel through the body until...

Organs of the Human Body

The organs of the human body are formed by the grouping of tissues, which in turn are formed by the grouping of cells. For our...

Rational Numbers

Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. These numbers can also have finite decimal representation or...

Sine, Cosine and Tangent

Sine, Cosine, and Tangent of an angle are relationships between the sides of a right triangle. These relationships are called reasons...

Prism - Geometric Figure

The prism is a geometric solid that is part of spatial geometry studies. It is characterized by being a convex polyhedron with two bases...

Social Inequality in Brazil

Social Inequality in Brazil is a problem that affects a large part of the Brazilian population, although in recent years it has been decreasing. At...

Chemical bonds

Chemical bonds correspond to the union of atoms to form chemical substances. In other words, chemical bonds...

Triangle Area

The area of ​​the triangle can be calculated from the base and height measurements of the figure. Remember that the triangle is a geometric figure...

Spatial Geometry

Spatial Geometry corresponds to the area of ​​mathematics that is responsible for studying figures in space, that is, those with more than two...

Brazilian folklore

Brazilian Folklore is the set of popular cultural expressions that encompass aspects of national identity. Examples are myths, legends,...

The Importance of Water

The importance of the planet's water is of such proportion, since it is an essential element for the survival of animals and plants on Earth,...


The seasons of the year are the periods in which the year is divided according to its climatic characteristics. There are four seasons of the year:...

Roman numbers

Roman numerals (or Roman numerals) are numerical indications used to indicate centuries, chapters and pages of books, times of...

Present Continuous

Present Continuous or Present Progressive (in Portuguese, present continuous or progressive) is a tense used to indicate actions that...

Numerical sets

Numerical sets bring together several sets whose elements are numbers. They are formed by natural, integer, rational numbers,...

Romanticism: Characteristics and Historical Context

Romanticism is an artistic and cultural movement that privileges emotions, subjectivity and individualism. Contrary to objectivism and the...

Pre-Socratic Philosophers

The pre-Socratic philosophers are part of the first period of Greek philosophy. They developed their theories from the 7th to the 5th century a. C., and...

water cycle

The water cycle is the permanent process of transforming water in nature, going from one state to another (liquid, solid or gaseous). THE...


Conjunction is a term that links two sentences or two words with the same grammatical value, establishing a relationship between them. Examples: He plays...


Baroque is a style that dominated architecture, painting, literature and music in 17th century Europe. Therefore, the entire culture of this...

Average, Fashion and Median

Mean, Mode and Median are measures of central tendency used in statistics. Average The average (M e ) is calculated by adding all values...

Physical States of Water

Water is found in nature in three physical states, namely: Liquid, Solid and Gaseous. Thus, the water cycle corresponds to the movement of...

Collective Nouns

Collective nouns are words that indicate the grouping of people, beings, things, objects or animals of the same species. Check out some below...

Second Generation Modernist - 2nd Phase of Modernism

The second modernist generation or second phase of modernism represents the second moment of the modernist movement in Brazil that spans from 1930 to...

Subordinated prayers

Subordinate clauses are those that have a syntactic function over others, that is, the clause that subordinates or depends on the other. Depending on...

European vanguards

The European Vanguards represent a set of artistic and cultural movements that took place in different parts of Europe from the beginning of...

Most popular content (1)

riddlesRiddles or riddles traditionally start with the question "what is, what is???". They are p...

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