Arts in Enem: what to study for the exam

Arts is a subject that is part of the Enem Languages, Codes and Their Technologies test.

Mastering concepts of art and knowing how to interpret artwork can make a difference and lead you to a more satisfying grade.

According to the Federal Government Portal, it is necessary that the candidate has knowledge about the main vanguards artistic and know how to relate the works to the historical context in which they were produced, taking into account social and economical.

Check below the subjects of Arts that fell the most in recent years on Enem.

1. Contemporary art

Contemporary art is the type of artistic production produced from the second half of the 20th century to the present day.

When it emerged, it sought to break with the characteristics of modern art, proposing new forms of production and appreciation of art. In addition, above all, it values ​​the concept - idea - and usually raises important questions about the current world.

ernesto grandson enem
The installation dengo (2010), by Ernesto Neto, was shown in a 2017 issue

At Enem, most questions about art bring subjects, works and artists related to contemporary art, whether directly or associated with other themes and artistic periods.

Within contemporary art, the subjects that have already fallen and may appear in Enem are:

  • body art - uses the body as support;
  • integration between languages ​​- mixtures of different aspects, such as theater, music, dance, circus;
  • digital art - correlations between art and technologies;
  • performance art or performance - also uses the body as an instrument and can combine other elements such as theater and dance;
  • installation - when the work of art occupies an entire predetermined space, creating artistic environments;
  • hip hop and graffiti - movements that emerged in the suburbs as social criticism and also integrate break dance and rap.

2. European Artistic Vanguards

Other topics that are much discussed in Enem's art exercises are European avant-gardes and modern art.

The avant-gardes were artistic currents that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century in Europe and had the purpose of breaking with the type of art produced until then. Artists of the period brought different forms of expression.

The vanguards that stand out the most and that appeared in the Enem tests are:

  • expressionism
  • fauvism
  • cubism
  • futurism
  • Dadaism
  • surrealism

Also check out this selection of questions that we have separated for you to test your knowledge: Exercises on European Vanguards.

3. Modernism

Modern art or modernism also tends to pass exams. This strand is related to the European vanguards, however, it extends until the mid-50s.

In Brazil, modernism was boosted by the Week of Modern Art, in 1922, and had its own characteristics in which the artists were inspired by European art to create an intensely Brazilian art, with elements and themes nationals.

In Enem, the themes are usually linked to situations that occurred today, so it is likely, for example, that a question arises quoting the modernist painter Tarsila do Amaral, as there was an exhibition in 2019 with works by artist.

4. Art history and other subjects in Enem

Other topics that were shown in previous exams are related to art history in general and other subjects.

It's good to pay attention to these contents as well:

  • photography and frames;
  • 19th century opera;
  • Marajoara ceramics;
  • Northeastern woodcut;
  • collage and decollage.

To learn more about careers and Enem, read:

  • Subjects that most fall in Enem
  • Courses for art lovers
  • Arts Exercises in Enem
  • Simulated Enem (questions commented by experts)
  • Enem Study Plan
  • Languages, Codes and Their Technologies
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