Portuguese language (8)

Monosyllables are words formed by only one syllable, that is, they are pronounced through a single sound emission, such as: color, spade, knot. According to the tone with which they are...

Toda Matéria has prepared a template and a guide with everything you need to know to create the cover of your work, according to ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) standards: type and...

Adverbial phrase is an expression formed by one or more words that, together, have the function of an adverb. This is how they change the meaning of a verb, an adjective or even a...

The anaphora is a figure of speech that is closely related to the syntactic construction of the text. For this reason, it is called a syntax figure. The anaphora occurs through the...

The superlative degree is the type of inflection of the adjective that intensifies the characteristics attributed to the nouns. It can be of two types: relative superlative or absolute superlative. The degree...

Multiplicative numerals (double, triple, quadruple) are those that refer to a quantity that has been multiplied. That is, they determine the proportional increase or the number of times...

The passive voice is one of the three types of verbal voices in the Portuguese language. The function of verbal voices is to indicate whether the subject practices or receives/suffers the verbal action of a prayer. In this text,...

The back quote must be used before indicating a time or appointment: I can't meet you at 20:00. How about starting the party at 9 pm? I will leave the house at midnight. Your query...

The International Phonetic Alphabet is a phonetic notation system that is found in good dictionaries in square brackets. It consists of a total of 157 characters, including symbols and...

Singular and plural are grammatical inflections for indicative of the number of nouns and adjectives. While the singular indicates a being (fish) or a set (shoal), the plural indicates more than one...

A periphrase is a figure of speech that is related to words. For this reason, it is in the word pictures category. The periphrase occurs by replacing one or more...

Synesthesia is a figure of speech that is part of word pictures. It is associated with a mixture of sensations related to the senses: touch, hearing, smell, taste and...

The Adjunct Adjunct has the function of characterizing a noun. It is an accessory term, because despite being important in the transmission of a message, its removal from a prayer does not interfere...

The present subjunctive is a tense used to indicate a present or future action. It is also used to express wishes. Examples: Hope I get back before...

Satire represents a literary style in verse or prose used to criticize political institutions, morals, habits and customs. Main Characteristics The satire has the characteristic...

Verbal phrases, also called verbal periphrases, play the equivalent role of a single verb in a sentence. They are composed of a main verb in one of its nominal forms + a...

Blog is a digital textual genre transmitted on the internet that serves as a virtual means of communication, just like e-mail. However, the e-mail is closer to the personal letter and the note,...

Infinity is, like the gerund and the participle, a nominal form of the verb. The infinitive is systematized into personal infinity (inflected) or impersonal infinitive (uninflected) and its use if...

The Classified Ad or Classified Ad is a type of text found in the media, whether newspapers, magazines and the internet. Classifieds are those short texts that can be found...

Communication theories bring together the set of research carried out from sociological, anthropological, psychological, linguistic and philosophical studies on human communication,...

Fábula is a literary genre whose main characteristic is the allegorical, fanciful narration, without any commitment to reality, but permeated by playful and pedagogical resources. Is...

Indirect transitive verb is one that requires a complement through a preposition. This complement is called indirect objective. Examples: 1. I believe in your improvement. I believe in what...

The declaration is a type of text that is widely used in our daily lives. It is, therefore, a text of documentary value that proves or declares something being used by several institutions,...

Hyperbato or inversion is a figure of syntax that is part of figures of speech. It is characterized by the sudden reversal of the direct order of the terms of a clause or period. At...

Slangs are linguistic phenomena used in an informal context, being widely used among young people. They are unconventional words or phrases according to the cultured norm, which are...

The accentuation rules are related to the placement of the stressed syllable (the syllable pronounced with the greatest intensity). There are specific rules for oxytone, paroxytone and...

Unstressed oblique pronouns or unstressed oblique personal pronouns (me, te, if, o, os, a, as, le, them, nos, vos) are pronouns that indicate persons and function in sentences as a direct object, object...

What do paraphrase and paraphrase mean? A paraphrase is a type of text based on an existing one that is known by readers, keeping the idea of ​​the original text. This means that...

The noun degree inflections express increase (augmentative degree) and decrease (diminutive degree). The augmentative degree can also indicate exaggeration, belittling or affection, while the degree...

Text comprehension and interpretation are two actions that are related, since when a text and its communicative purpose is correctly understood, we reach certain...

Community Campaign Texts are those used with the purpose of clarifying and paying attention to the interlocutors of a community on a given subject. For example, Combat Campaign as...

The word sunset is a phrase written with a circumflex accent in the first term, the words being separated without a hyphen. Confusion often arises from the use of the hyphen, since...

So you don't make any more mistakes, check out 40 of the biggest most common Portuguese mistakes that undermine your text's credibility. If you pay attention, you'll have a better chance of excelling in the test...

The use of upper and lower case letters, although it seems a very simple topic - learned in the first years of school - requires some care. So, in this article, we'll deal with the rules,...

Adjective pronouns are those that modify the accompanying nouns, just as adjectives do. In this way, this type of pronoun agrees in gender and number with the nouns. Example...

The character narrator is a type of narrator who participates in the story and, therefore, receives this name. He can be the main character (protagonist narrator), or even a secondary character...

Language is every form that human beings use to communicate. Language includes language which, in turn, is a system agreed upon by men and used by groups. One of those systems...

What is a hidden subject? A hidden subject is one that is implied in the verbal ending of the prayer or in its context, as in the prayers below: I will speak to them every day. (subject: I...

In number, nouns are inflected in singular (child, dog and onion) and plural (children, dogs and onions). Most nouns form plural by adding -s. É...

In the Portuguese language, Hyperbole or Auxese is a figure of speech, more precisely a figure of thought, which indicates the intentional exaggeration of the enunciator. In other words, the...

In linguistics, textual polyphony is a characteristic of texts in which different voices are present. The term polyphony is formed by the words “poly” (many) and “phony”...

Paronomasia is a figure of speech that is defined in the category of sound figures. This is because it is related to the sound of words. In this way, she uses the paronyms...

Stylistics studies language and its ability to make messages more or less emotional and beautiful. For this reason, it is a very important area in literary circles. If on the one hand the...

The Memorandum or Internal Communication (C.I.) represents a type of informative text conveyed in professional circles (companies, public agencies, etc.). Memos are important tools...

The reflective voice is one of the three verbal voices in the Portuguese language, along with the active voice and the passive voice. The voices of the verb indicate whether the subject practices or receives/suffers the verbal action of...

Cedilla is a graphic sign used under the letter c. It has the sound of ss (two s) and looks like this: “ç”. It can never start words and is always used before the vowels a, o and...

Foreignism is a language addiction that corresponds to the use of foreign words. Sometimes these terms are incorporated into the language lexicon (dictionaries), depending on...

The text is a written manifestation about the ideas of an author (sender or speaker). They have the function of transmitting messages. From the Greek, the word “text” means “fabric”...

The application, also called a petition, is a type of text widely used by official entities, public bodies or institutions. It is a document whose primary function is...

Advertising Language is the one used in advertising messages, which has a strong intention to provoke sensations in the reader, that is, to convince him. Language Aspects...

Meaning of Exuberant (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Lush is an adjective that defines something that exists in excess or abundance; that exists in lo...

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Meaning of Ostentation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

ostentation is the act or effect of to boast, I mean "to introduce” or “Show” in a sense exhibiti...

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Meaning of Plurality (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Plurality is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language that means something that has a large amo...

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