40 Verbal Agreement Exercises with Commented Feedback

Verbal agreement is the harmonic relationship established between subject and verb inflections.

To train your knowledge on this topic, check below 40 exercises commented that fell in competitions and entrance exams.

question 1

(CESCEM–SP) Already ___ years, ___ in this place trees and flowers. Today, only ___ weeds.

a) do, there were, exist
b) do, there were, exist
c) do, had, exist
d) does, there were, there are
e) does, there was, exists

Alternative d: does, there were, there are.

  • The verb to make impersonal (which indicates time) is always conjugated in the 3rd person singular: Years ago.
  • The same happens with the verb to have impersonal (which indicates time or which has the sense of "exist"): There were (existed) in this place trees and flowers.
  • The verb to exist, in turn, is not impersonal. For that reason, he must agree with the subject: There are only weeds.

question 2

(Cesgranrio) In view of the rules of agreement, check the option where the verb form is wrong:

a) There are currently different types of insecticides harmful to human health.

b) DDT-based agricultural pesticides can cause serious liver damage.
c) Underdeveloped countries lack stricter legislation on pesticides.
d) The harmful effects of chlorinated insecticides persist for a long time in the environment.
e) Phosphorus type pesticides have a high degree of toxicity.

Alternative c: Underdeveloped countries lack stricter legislation on pesticides.

Correction: Lack to underdeveloped countries stricter legislation on pesticides.

The verb must agree with the subject. It's easier if we change the order of prayer: There is a lack of stricter legislation on pesticides in underdeveloped countries.

Change the order of the remaining prayers:

a) There are different types of insecticides that are harmful to human health today.
b) DDT-based crop protection products can cause serious liver damage.
d) The harmful effects of chlorinated insecticides persist for a long time in the environment.
e) Phosphorus type pesticides have a high degree of toxicity.

question 3

(Fatec) Check the alternative that completes the sentences correctly.

___, among political analysts, that if the government ___ this wage policy and if the business community does not ___ the losses wages ___ serious structural problems to be solved, and when the unions ___, chaos will set in. total.

a) Comment on each other; keep; reset; there will be; intervene.
b) Comment; keep; reset; there will be; intervene.
c) Comment; keep up; reset; there will be; intervene.
d) Comment; keep; reset; there will be; intervene.
e) Comment on each other; keep; reset; there will be; intervene.

Alternative d: Comment; keep; reset; there will be; intervene.

  • The "if" particle is the subject's index of indeterminacy. In this case, the verb must be in the 3rd person singular: Comenta-se.
  • The verb to maintain is in the 3rd person singular of the future subjunctive, whose form is to maintain: If the government maintains.
  • The same happens with the verb repose, which in the 3rd person singular of the future of the subjunctive is repose. If the business community does not reset.
  • The verb to exist impersonal (in this case, meaning "to exist") is always conjugated in the 3rd person singular: There will be serious problems.
  • The verb to intervene is in the 3rd person plural of the future of the subjunctive, whose form is to intervene: When unions intervene.

question 4

(FCC) The occurrence of interferences ___ us to conclude that ___ a deep relationship between man and society that the ___ mutually dependent.

a) takes, exists, makes
b) take, exist, make
c) take, exist, make
d) take, exist, make
e) take, exist, make

Alternative to: take, exist, make.

  • The verb is agreeing with the subject: The occurrence leads.
  • The verb exist must also agree with the subject: A deep relationship exists.
  • The same happens with the verb "to make", agrees with the subject: A deep relationship that makes.

question 5

(FGV) In the questions below, there are empty spaces. To fill them in, choose one of the following verbs: make, transpose, stop, go. Use the most suitable verb form.

a) If ___ cold days in winter, maybe things would be different.
b) When the horse ___ all obstacles, the race will end.
c) If the horse ___ more easily over the obstacles, it would more easily reach the finish line.
d) If the economic team does not ___ on the regional aspects and consider the global aspects, the possibility of a solution will be greater.
e) If she ___ to the game tomorrow, she must pay the ticket in advance.

a) made: 3rd person plural of the imperfect past tense of the subjunctive. This is because, in this case, the verb "to do" does not indicate elapsed time. Since it is not impersonal, it must agree with the subject.
b) transpose: 3rd person singular from the future of the subjunctive.
c) transpusesse: 3rd person singular of the imperfect past tense of the subjunctive.
d) holds: 3rd person singular from the future of the subjunctive.
e) go: 3rd person singular present subjunctive.

question 6

(Fuvest) Indicate the correct alternative:

a) These were fundamental questions.
b) Land was purchased in the suburbs.
c) Typists are needed.
d) Reform suits.
e) The strict regulations were obeyed.

Alternative d: Reform suits.

In this case, the "if" particle is an passivating particle. It's like saying: Suits are reformed.

This also happens in alternative b), where the verb must agree with the subject: Land was bought in the suburb (same as: Land was bought in the suburb).

When the particle "if" is the subject's indeterminacy index, the verb must be in the 3rd person singular. This is what happens in: a) It was treated, c) It was necessary, e) It was obeyed.

question 7

(IFSP) Conversation presupposes a productive dialogue between people. It means to say that talking is a cooperative process between interlocutors.

Read the text below, which represents a conversation.

Mafalda strip

In the excerpt "we can have literary conversations", replacing the subject with another first-person plural, in the perfect past tense, the result is as follows:

a) we can have literary conversations
b) we could have literary conversations
c) we could have literary conversations
d) we were able to have literary conversations
e) we could have literary conversations

Alternative d: we could have literary conversations.

"We could" is the correct form for the 1st person plural of the verb can in the past perfect tense.

question 8

(Insper) Change the verb or close your mouth

Rita Lee sang a song that said "let the rest explode, like Bomba H. Is there an "explode" in the cultured language? Explodir is a defective verb, that is, it does not have complete conjugation. In the present tense, it must be conjugated from the second person singular (you explode, it explodes, etc.). Many people are unaware of the existence of defectives and "conjugate" them in all people.

(Pasquale Cipro Neto, http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/fsp/1996/10/10/fovest/8.html)

The alternative that exemplifies what was expressed in the last period is

a) There were difficulties in resolving the issue.
b) We will be happy if you remain calm.
c) It is necessary to make accounts so that the provision fits in the budget.
d) An entrepreneur judicially repossesses his property.
e) Police detained almost 60 fans in the vicinity of Morumbi.

Alternative d: Entrepreneur judicially repossesses his property.

The verb recover is defective, that is, it is not conjugated in certain people, tenses or moods.

The verbs to have, to maintain, to fit and to detain are irregular. This means that they undergo radical alteration.

question 9

(Mackenzie) The ways that would complete the period “Paying part of your previous debts, the merchant ___ his storehouse again, without ___ his creditors, for whom he has regained trust", would be:

a) provided, indisposed
b) provided, undisputed
c) came, did not
d) came, didn't
e) n.d.a.

Alternative to: provided, indisposed.

  • The verb provide is in the 3rd person singular of the perfect tense of the indicative, whose form is provided: The merchant again provided his store.
  • The verb indispor is in the 3rd person singular of the imperfect past tense of the subjunctive, whose form is indisposse: Without indisposing with your creditors.

question 10

(PUC-RS) I assure you not ___ bother ___ with the design of the tests; ___ Keep calm.

a) need, if, can
b) need if you can
c) you need, you can
d) you need, you can
e) need you can

a: need, if, can.

When there is a treatment pronoun, the verb must be in the 3rd person: (he/she) needs, (he/she) can.
The pronoun "se" corresponds to the 3rd person.

question 11

(UFMA) Indicate the alternative that adequately fills the gaps in the sentence:

“___ years that man asks himself: if not ___ fears, how ___ hopes?”

a) Does, if there were, would exist
b) Do, were, would exist
c) Does, had, would exist
d) Do, had, would exist
e) It does, if it were, it would exist.

Alternative to: Does, had, would exist.

  • The verb to make impersonal (which indicates time) is always conjugated in the 3rd person singular: Years ago.
  • The same happens with the verb to have impersonal (which indicates time or has the sense of "exist"): If there were no fears.
  • The verb to exist, in turn, is not impersonal. For this reason, he must agree with the subject: How would there be hope.

question 12

(Fuvest) Complete the sentences below with the correct forms of the verbs indicated in parentheses.

a) When I ___ the books, I will never lend them again. (recover)
b) The alienated are always ___ neutral. (keep yourself)
c) The proofs that ___ more errors would be commented on. (to contain)
d) When he ___ a song of peace, he can rest. (to compose).

a) reouver: 1st person singular from the future of the subjunctive.
b) keep: 3rd person plural of the present tense. OR remained: 3rd person plural of past perfect tense.
c) contained: 3rd person plural of the imperfect past tense of the subjunctive.
d) compose: 3rd person singular from the future of the subjunctive.

question 13

(PUC-SP) Indicate the alternative in which no there is an error of agreement.

a) There must be poets who think of the air disaster as the afterglow.
b) There must be poets who think of the air disaster as the afterglow.
c) There may be poets who think of air disaster as the afterglow.
d) There may be poets who think of the air disaster as the afterglow.
e) There may be poets who think of the air disaster as the afterglow.

Alternative d: There may be poets who think of the air crash as the afterglow.

Along with an impersonal verb (in this case, the verb to have), the auxiliary verbs are also singular.


The) It might have poets who think of the air crash as the afterglow.
and) Could have poets who think of the air crash as the afterglow.

The verb exist is not impersonal and, therefore, the auxiliary verb goes plural.


B) must exist poets who think of the air crash as the afterglow.
ç) may exist poets who think of the air crash as the afterglow.

question 14

(UEPG) Check the incorrect alternative, according to the grammatical rule:

a) The United States, in 1941, declared war on Germany.
b) Those couples seemed to live happily.
c) We canceled the tour, having seen the bad weather.
d) More than one of the candidates greeted each other.
e) We had not seen the children who were eight years old.

Alternative c: We cancel the tour due to bad weather.

The expression is feminine (incidentally), so the correct thing would be to say: We canceled the tour, have a view the bad weather.

a) The verbs must agree with the articles that accompany the proper names. In this case, the verb declare is agreeing with the article "Os" of United States.
b) In verbal locutions (in this case, "it seemed to live") the main verb (to live) is in the verbal forms (in this case, it is in the personal infinity = to live). In turn, the auxiliary verb (seemed) must agree with the subject.
d) When we use the expression "more than" the verb must agree with the numeral. Example: More than one child became ill. However, to indicate reciprocity the verb must go plural. This is the case in the example above, where the verb indicates that the candidates greeted each other.
e) In this case, the verb to do is not impersonal, so it must agree with "children".

question 15

(Unifesp) “The Hatha yoga pradipika, sacred scripture of hatha yoga, written in the 15th century of the era current, says that, before venturing into the practice of austerity and moral codes, we must prepare. Self-control and discipline without adequate preparation ___ create more mental and personality problems than peace of mind. The beauty of this scripture is that it solves the big problem every beginner faces: mastering the mind.

Due to the ___ body approach, hatha yoga became known – mistakenly – as a category of yoga ___ works only the physical valences (strength, flexibility, endurance, balance and others), almost like gymnastics Eastern. This is not true".

(Science Today, July 2012. Adapted.)

According to the standard norm of the Portuguese language, the gaps in the text must be filled, respectively, with

a) can, at this, where
b) can, to this one, that
c) can, at that, which
d) can, that, with what
e) can, this, where

Alternative b: can, to that, that.

  • They can: compound subjects formed by synonyms can be singular or plural. In this case, both forms are correct (self-control and discipline can or self-control and discipline can).
  • To that: the verb "due" requires the preposition "a". Furthermore, before demonstrative pronouns there is no backquote.
  • Que: the relative pronoun works as a connective.
  • The word "where" indicates movement, so the only possible alternative is b).

question 16

(UFPR) Consider the following verb forms:

1. had received
2. had received
3. was receiving
4. would be receiving

In the sentence "All the news that day was written from documents that the newspaper's management will receive from the prosecutor's office”, the highlighted verbal form can be replaced, maintaining the temporal sense relationship and without prejudice to obedience to the cultured language, by:

a) 4 only
b) 1, 2 and 3 only
c) 3 and 4 only
d) 1 and 4 only
e) 1 and 2 only

Alternative e: 1 and 2 only.

"...that the direction of the newspaper had received of the Public Ministry"
"...that the direction of the newspaper had received of the Public Ministry"

The form "receiver" is conjugated in the past tense-more-than-perfect of the indicative, which indicates an action which occurred before another: the newspaper's management received the documents, then the news was written.

"Were receiving" indicates continuity and, in turn, "would be receiving" is a language addiction, a grammatical deviation.

question 17

(UFRGS) Read: “[I] said that competence was not such a relative thing, that they would be the same, to he and for me, the expectations about the competence that the cardiovascular surgeon should bring with him what..."

If we replaced “expectations” with “expectation”, how many other words would necessarily need to be adjusted for the purposes of agreement?

a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
and five

Alternative d: four.

Check out the replacement of the words in bold below:

“[I] said that competence wasn't such a relative thing, that would be the same for him and for me, The expectation about the competence that the cardiovascular surgeon should bring with him..."

question 18

(Cesgranrio) In view of the rules of agreement, check the only option where the form in parentheses correctly completes the gap in the sentence.

a) ___, in fact, different reasons responsible for our technological dependence. (exist)
b) It is essential that ___ between scientific research and the aspirations of the community be closely linked. (keep)
c) The strength of certain mechanisms ___ with which research in poor countries revolves around the interests of rich countries. (do)
d) ___ combining the ingenuity and skills of men to solve the specific problems of the community. (must)
e) Both scientific and technological development ___ must first take into account the cultural factor. (Light)

Alternative d: Men's ingenuity and skills must be combined to solve the specific problems of the community.

In verbal phrases (in this case, "should match") the main verb (combine) is in the verb forms. In turn, the auxiliary verb (should) must agree with the subject "man's ingenuity and abilities.

Correction of remaining sentences:

The) They exist, in fact, different reasons responsible for our technological dependence.
b) It is essential that Keep between scientific research and community aspirations a close link.
c) The strength of certain mechanisms does making research in poor countries revolve around the interests of rich countries.
e) It is necessary that both scientific and technological development take firstly take into account the cultural factor.

question 19

(Fuvest) “I'm not the man you you search, but wanted see you, or, at the very least, possess the your portrait."

If the pronoun tu were replaced by Your Excellency, instead of the words highlighted in the transcribed excerpt, we would have, respectively, the following forms:

a) you seek to see yourself, yours
b) look for it, see it, your
c) look for, see it, yours
d) seek, see it, yours
e) do you seek to see yourselves, your

Alternative b: search, see her, hers.

Check the word replacement below:

“I am not the man that Your Excellency search, but wanted candle, or, at the very least, possess the your portrait."

When there is a treatment pronoun, the verb must be in the 3rd person: (he/she) searches, (he/she) see.
The pronoun "your" corresponds to the 3rd person.

question 20

(UFS) Identify the alternative that correctly completes the sentence: "He has confirmed that he will gladly listen, even if ___ problems that ___ considered ___ ."

a) arise, are, unavoidable
b) arise, are, unavoidable
c) arises, that is, unavoidable
d) arise, are, unavoidable
e) arise, that is, unavoidable

Alternative b: arise, are, unavoidable.

Only in this alternative the verbs agree with the subjects.

  • Arise: "even if problems arise".
  • Be: "problems to be considered"
  • Insurmountables: "insurmountable problems"

question 21

(FGV) The only sentence in which the verb forms are correctly used is:

a) Experts fear that organs of other species can transmit dangerous viruses.
b) Furthermore, even if some kind of immediate fiscal adjustment is adopted, Brazil will still be a long way from becoming an active player in the world game.
c) The prime minister and president must be from the same party, although neither will make the society I believe.
d) Intelligence is like a tiger loose around the house and will only cause a problem if you supply it with meat and keep it in the cage.
e) The secret name of God was the active principle of creation, but to say it in full was tantamount to sacrilege, to the sin of knowing more than was convenient for us.

Alternative e: The secret name of God was the active principle of creation, but to say it in full was tantamount to sacrilege, to the sin of knowing more than suited us.

Correction of remaining sentences:

a) Experts fear that organs of other species may transmit dangerous viruses.
b) Furthermore, even if be If some kind of immediate fiscal adjustment is adopted, Brazil will still be a long way from becoming an active player in the world game.
c) The prime minister and the president must be from the same party, although neither Knife the society I believe in.
d) Intelligence is like a tiger loose around the house and will only cause a problem if supplied of meat and sustained in the cage.

question 22

(UFPR) Note the verbal agreement:

1. Will either of you get the scholarship?
2. I know that at least a third of the players were on the field at that time.
3. The United States is a very rich country.
4. Five o'clock on the clock in Largo da Matriz: it was the expected sign.

a) Only sentence 1 is wrong
b) Only sentence 2 is wrong
c) Sentences 2 and 3 are wrong
d) Sentences 1 and 4 are wrong
e) Sentences 2 and 4 are wrong

Alternative d: Sentences 1 and 4 are wrong.


1. some of you you will manage the scholarship?
4. On the clock in Largo da Matriz knocked five o'clock: it was the expected sign.

question 23

(Unirio) In which item there is a verbal agreement error:

a) This person was one of those who discussed the case the most.
b) My friend Paulo and I entered society.
c) It's been two months since I visited him.
d) I was the one who presented this solution.
e) There cannot be many candidates for this point.

Alternative c: It's been two months since I visited.

The verb to make impersonal (which indicates tense) is always conjugated in the 3rd person singular: Does two months I visited him.

question 24

(UFPR) What is the alternative in which the forms of the verbs hit, fix and have in the sentences below, are used in the correct concordance?

Classes start when ___ eight o'clock.
In this store ___ wall clocks.
Yesterday ___ great programs on television.

a) hit, fix themselves, there was
b) knock, fix it, there was
c) hit, fix it, there was
d) knocked, they will be fixed, there will be
e) knock, I'll fix it, there were

Alternative to: knock, get fixed, there was.

  • Beat: in the indication of hours, the verb must always agree with the subject: Eight hours beat.
  • Fix it: when the particle "if" is a passive particle, the verb must agree with the subject. It's like saying: Clocks are fixed.
  • There was: the verb to exist impersonal (with the meaning of "exist") must be in the 3rd person singular: There were great programs.

question 25

(FCC) Check the alternative for this exercise that correctly fills in the gaps in the text.

The Civil Police seized 415.4 kilos of crack ___ in a house on Avenida Salim Farah Maluf. On the spot, also ___ two pounds of marijuana. A 28 year old male and a 17 ___ teenager.

a) hidden, there were, were detained
b) hidden, there was, were detained
c) hidden, they had, was detained
d) hidden, there were, were detained
e) hidden, there were, were detained

Alternative to: hidden, there were, were detained.

This is the only alternative where the verbs agree with the subjects. Remembering that the verb to exist (with the meaning of "exist") is impersonal and, therefore, it must be in the 3rd person singular:

The Civil Police seized 415.4 kilos of crack hidden in a house on Avenida Salim Farah Maluf. On site, too there was two pounds of marijuana. A 28 year old man and a 17 year old teenager were arrested.

question 26

(Bank of Brazil) Correct option:

a) Errors must be corrected
b) Errors must be corrected
c) Errors must be corrected
d) Errors must be corrected
e) Errors must be corrected.

Alternative b: Errors must be corrected.

It's easier if we change the order of prayer: Mistakes must be corrected.

question 27

(Unifor) Check the alternative that correctly completes the gaps in the sentence:

“___ more competent professionals, if ___ better teaching conditions”.

a) There should be, existed
b) There should be, were there
c) There should be, were there
d) There should be, existed
e) There should be, were there

Alternative b: There should be, were there.

Along with an impersonal verb (in this case, the verb to have), the auxiliary verbs (in this case, should) are also singular. The verb exist, in turn, is not impersonal, therefore, it must agree with the subject.

there should be more competent professionals, if existed better teaching conditions".

question 28

(ACAFE) The sentence whose verbal agreement is in accordance with the grammatical rules is:

a) If there were more honest men, there wouldn't be so many fights for justice.
b) Movies, soap operas, good conversations, nothing took him out of his apathy.
c) The conditions of the building are extremely precarious.
d) The evils suffered by Brazilian society did not come from that.
e) There were difficulties for me to assume the position.

Alternative to: If there were more honest men, there wouldn't be so many fights for justice.

  • The verb to exist impersonal (in the sense of existing) is always conjugated in the 3rd person singular: "If there were more honest men".
  • The verb to exist, however, is not impersonal. He must agree with the subject: "so many fights would not exist".

Correction of remaining sentences:

b) Movies, soap operas, good conversations, nothing o took off of apathy. (subjects followed by the word "nothing" are singular)
ç) are very precarious the condition of the building. (It's easier if we change the order of prayer: Building conditions are very poor.)
d) No came hence the ills suffered by Brazilian society. (It is easier if we change the order of prayer: The ills suffered by Brazilian society did not come from there.)
and) There was difficulties for me to assume the position. (The verb to exist impersonal - in the sense of existing - is always conjugated in the 3rd person singular.)

question 29

(UFV) In all the sentences below, the verbal agreement is INCORRECT, EXCEPT:

a) Which of us reached the top of the mountain first?
b) The United States represents a security for the entire West.
c) Receive, Your Excellency, the assurance of our esteem.
d) Without education, there can be no conscientious citizens.
e) I had a sheet of paper, a pen and an eraser.

Alternative e: I have a sheet of paper, a pen and an eraser.

The verb is agreeing with the core plus (a sheet of paper).

Correction of remaining sentences:

a) which of us has arrived first to the top of the mountain?
b) The United States represent a security for the entire West.
ç) receive, Your Excellency, the assurances of our esteem.
d) Without education, no he can have conscientious citizens.

question 30

(Santa Casa) There is no agreement error in this alternative:

a) Apartments are rented with great difficulty here.
b) There are still some grammar issues to resolve.
c) After I met him, many joys happened.
d) Waking up, working and sleeping are currently my daily activities.
e) It was eleven o'clock at night when we finished the subject

Alternative to: Apartments for rent with great difficulty here.

Correction of remaining sentences:

b) Still lack solve some grammar issues.
ç) happened, after I met him, many joys.
d) Waking up, working and sleeping é, currently the activity of my day.
and) They were eleven o'clock at night when we finished the story.

question 31

(FURRN) Why, ___ months other than ___ in school facts like the one that so far in ___.

a) do, occur, disturb
b) make, occur, disturb
c) make, occur, disturb
d) do, occur, disturb
e) make, occur, disturb

Alternative to: make, occur, disturb.

Do: the verb do (indicating tense) is impersonal, therefore, it is in the 3rd person singular.
Occur: the verb is agreeing with the subject (facts like that).
They disturb: the verb is agreeing with the subject (they disturb us).

question 32

(UFPE) Check the alternative in which the verbal agreement contravenes the cultured norm:

a) The most mixed news was heard.
b) These are very serious issues.
c) The country had not democratically chosen the president for years.
d) There may be positive comments regarding the election.
e) There should be less embarrassing situations.

Alternative c: It had been years since the country had democratically chosen the president.

The verb do indicating time is impersonal. The correct thing would be to say: Does years that the country did not democratically choose the president.

Question 33

(Uneb) Check the correct alternative for verbal agreement.

a) Sometimes, inexperienced young people are attributed the ills of adults.
b) These trends are not always noticed among young people.
c) The doctor and nurses did a lot for the patient's cure.
d) Exhibitionist people lack a bit of decorum.
e) The correct notion of values ​​should guide the judge's procedure.

Alternative c: The doctor and the nurses did a lot for the patient's cure.

The verb is agreeing with the nearest nucleus (doctor).

Correction of remaining sentences:

sometimes, are assigned to inexperienced young people the ailments of adults.
b) Not always if notice these trends among young people.
d) Lack to exhibitionist people a little decorum.
e) The correct notion of values he must guide the judge's procedure.

question 34

(UFRJ) Tick the option in which the cultured language rule only admits a verbal agreement:

a) Most people here don't know what they're talking about.
b) Both protested against the felling of eucalyptus trees.
c) The community and the vicar defended the environment.
d) There is no need for eucalyptus and termites.
e) It was six o'clock on the square's clock.

Alternative e: It was going to say six o'clock on the square's clock.

In the indication of hours, the verb must always agree with the subject.

The remaining prayers are also right as follows:

a) Most people here don't you know than they are talking.
b) One and the other protested against the felling of eucalyptus.
ç) defended the environment, the community and the vicar.
d) No do none of the eucalyptus and termites are missing.

question 35

(Vunesp) Tick the alternative where the verbal agreement is correct.
a) There were collectors' cooperatives in the city of São Paulo.
b) The garbage from houses and condominiums goes to landfills.
c) The correct treatment and disposal of waste would prevent 35% of it from being dumped in landfills.
d) The city has been postponing the issue of garbage for two years.
e) We are the ones who pay the bill for the neglect of garbage collection.

Alternative e: We are the ones who pay the bill for the neglect of garbage collection.

When we use the relative pronoun "who", it can agree with the antecedent or be in the 3rd person singular, as in this case.

So, it is also correct: We are we who we pay the bill for the neglect of garbage collection.

Correction of remaining sentences:

The) There was waste picker cooperatives in the city of São Paulo.
b) Garbage from houses and condominiums go for landfills.
c) The correct treatment and disposal of waste would prevent 35% of them were dumped in landfills.
d) Does two years that the city has postponed the issue of garbage.

question 36

(FCC) The rules of verbal agreement are fully respected in the construction of the following sentence:

a) Unlike what happens with very old books, which are proving to be very resistant, those of today suffer from constant use.
b) If the great libraries of today no longer exist, it is possible that the men of the future would not be able to fully interpret our culture.
c) Countless information is entrusted to electronic support, but it is not possible to reliably assess how long it will remain available.
d) Even if only a few good libraries will remain from our time, they will be enough to give news of what we think and create.
e) It is attributed to voltage spikes or occasional lightning the cause of much loss of information, which was believed to be preserved in an electronic memory.

Alternative to: Unlike what happens with very old books, which are proving to be very resistant, those of today suffer from constant use.

Correction of remaining sentences:

b) Case leave if there are the great libraries of today, it is possible that the men of the future could not fully interpret our culture.
c) Countless information is trusted to electronic support, but not he can safely assess how long they will remain available.
d) even if only come if there are a few good libraries left of our time, they will suffice to give news of what we think and create.
and) assignpower surges or occasional lightning caused a great deal of loss of information, which was believed to be preserved in an electronic memory.

question 37

(IBGE) Check the option where there is inadequate agreement:

a) Most scholars find a solution to the problem difficult.
b) Most conflicts have been resolved.
c) There must be good reasons for your refusal.
d) From home to school it is three kilometers.
e) Neither question is difficult.

Alternative d: From home to school it is three kilometers.

Fix: From home to school they are three kilometers.

question 38

(Banco do Brasil) Verb must go to the plural:

a) Organized into groups of four.
b) All customers were attended to.
c) It lacked a bench and a chair.
d) The walls were painted green.
e) It's been over ten years since I saw him.

Alternative d: The walls were painted green.

The verb must agree with the subject when the particle "if" is passive. Correction: paintedup the walls of green.

question 39

(FCC) The rules of verbal agreement are fully respected in the sentence:

a) Today's teenagers should not be held solely responsible for the deplorable fact of aspiring to so little.
b) The massive presence, on our screens, of so many fictions, should not lead us to believe that we are capable of dreaming more than past generations.
c) If the young people of today were able to dream in the rhythm of the fictions projected on our canvases, multiple and agile daydreams would be processed.
d) The vestiges of our yesterday's dreams have remained as improved versions of our accommodated life today.
e) By trying to mobilize students to meet the demands of the labor market, the teacher in our schools prevents them from dreaming.

Alternative c: If today's young people were able to dream in the rhythm of the fictions projected on our screens, multiple and agile daydreams would be processed.

Correction of remaining sentences:

a) Not if impute today's teenagers are solely responsible for the pitiful fact of aspiring to so little.
b) The massive presence, on our screens, of so many fictions, does not he must make us believe that we are capable of dreaming more than past generations.
d) Stayed as improved versions of our settled life today the vestige of our dreams of yesterday.
e) By wanting to mobilize the students to the demands of the labor market, the teacher in our schools prevents them from dreaming.

question 40

(UFG) Indicate the only sentence that is correctly filled in with only the first verb form in parentheses.

a) Many of us ___ for the literacy of peoples. (fight - we fight)
b) Most individuals ___ with a dignified life. (dream - dream)
c) ___ itself, formerly, to extremely strict laws. (obeyed - obeyed)
d) ___ from ignorance, underdevelopment and misery. (born - born)
e) ___ if misery and disease are side by side. (find - find)

Alternative c: obeyedin the past to extremely strict laws.

As for the remaining prayers:

a) many of us we fight for the literacy of peoples. (only the second verb form is correct)
b) Most individuals dream (or dream) with a dignified life. (both verb forms are correct)
d) are born from ignorance, underdevelopment and misery. (only the second verb form is correct)
and) findmisery and disease side by side. (only the second verb form is correct)

Learn all about this topic at:

  • Verbal agreement
  • nominal agreement
  • Verbal and nominal agreement
  • Nominal agreement exercises

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