Structure and Function of Peroxisomes

Peroxisomes or peroxisomes are cell organelles found in plant and animal cells. In the shape of rounded vesicles, they are present in the cell's cytoplasm.

Peroxisomes play important roles inside cells, as they have digestive enzymes responsible for oxidizing organic substances.

Peroxisome Structure

Peroxisomes are small, round-shaped structures that are surrounded by a lipoprotein membrane. Inside it contains oxidase enzymes, responsible for the oxidation of substances.

Representation of the Cell and its Cell Organelles

Function of Peroxisomes

The main function of peroxisomes is to digest some substances. This is because the oxidase enzymes.

These enzymes oxidize the fatty acids for the synthesis of cholesterol. And they are also used as raw material in cellular respiration in order to obtain energy.

In oxidation reactions, hydrogen peroxide is produced (H2O2), and that's why this organelle gets its name.

In the human body, peroxisomes are found in the cells that make up the kidneys (kidney cells) and the liver (liver cells).

In the liver, they help in the production of bile salts and also in the neutralization of some substances that are toxic to the body through the enzyme. catalase.

Thus, they help in cell detoxification, resulting, for example, from the use of alcohol and medication.

2 hours2O2 → catalase enzyme → 2 H2O+O2

In the chemical reaction above, we can see that the enzyme catalase in peroxisomes degrades hydrogen peroxide, turning it into water and oxygen.

Did you know?

Hydrogen peroxide is commonly known as hydrogen peroxide.

Peroxisomes and Glyoxisomes

In plant cells, peroxisomes are present in leaves and seeds. However, what exists is a variation or type of peroxisome called glyoxisomes.

Glyoxisomes are only present in plant cells in the glyoxylate cycle, which converts fatty acids into sugars.

Know all about cells:

  • Cell
  • Human Body Cells
  • plant cell
  • animal cell
  • Prokaryotic Cells
  • Eukaryotic Cells
  • Nerve Cells
  • Stem cells
  • Glial Cells

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