Meaning of Haughtiness (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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haughtiness is the characteristic of something or someone who is haughty, that is, who has self love, it is considered higher, proud or worthy. It may also be related to behavior that denotes arrogance or arrogance.

Haughtiness, as well as can connote a quality, such as the characteristic of dignified and noble, also it can be used in a pejorative way, revealing someone arrogant or very pompous, who acts presumptuously.

For religious, haughtiness is considered a sin, being one of the seven characteristics most abhorred by God, according to the bible.

The so-called "proudness of the spirit" is present in biblical texts, as a reference to behavior greedy, arrogant or haughty individuals, who, according to God, are towards the doom.

"Pride precedes ruin, and haughtiness of the spirit a fall." Proverbs 16:18

A very common expression to describe haughtiness is when it is said that someone has "haughty eyes", that is, that they are he feels superior or "very dignified" in comparison with others, consequently acting with pride and superiority.

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Learn more about the meaning of haughty eyes.

synonyms of haughtiness

  • arrogance
  • dignity
  • nobility
  • presumption
  • superb
  • leftover
  • pride
  • pose
  • straight
  • self-importance

See also the meaning of superb and Pride.

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